He growls. “You’re a dead man.”
After my shower,we stop by Linda’s House. The kids all run to me when I walk in the door, not having seen them since my injury. I should be spending more time here instead of wallowing in self-pity. I decide at that moment that I need to get my act together and stop hiding from the world. Stop being depressed about my injury. Stop being depressed about Arizona and the entire Fantasy Suits situation. These kids need me. I think I need them too.
Randy sucks in a breath when he notices Quincy. “Quincy ‘The Ace’ Abbott?”
Quincy smiles. “That’s me. Are you Randy ‘The Rocket’ Richards?”
Randy’s eyes widen. “You’ve heard of me?”
Quincy shrugs. “According to my sister, you’re the best nine-year-old pitcher in the country. Is that true?”
“Coach Z said that?”
Quincy nods. “She did. She told me that I need towork with you over the winter to help you develop a change-up. Are you interested?”
“You want to teach me the Cookie?” A Cookie is an easily hittable pitch. Even though a change of speed is necessary at higher levels, younger kids don’t like to throw it, preferring to show off the faster pitches.
Quincy lets out a laugh. “Yep. I’m told myCookieis pretty good. You need to have a solid change-up if you want to take things to the next level.” He holds up a big bag I hadn’t noticed and looks around at all the kids. “Can I interest you all in signed balls? I have enough for everyone.”
The kids all explode in happiness. I mouth to him, “Thank you.”
He smiles in return.
I get to enjoy watching them eat the food I had sent for their Thanksgiving feast. While they’re eating dessert, I pull Perry aside.
“Buddy, you know I have to do a lot of physical therapy to get my leg back into shape, right?”
He nods, rarely choosing to speak.
“I was talking to my physical therapist about you. His name is Nick, and he helps people build muscles after injuries. Nick wants to help you build muscles in your arm. I checked with Linda to make sure it’s okay, and it is.”
Perry looks down. He’s frightened.
“Honestly, I’m a little scared to go to physical therapy by myself. I haven’t used my leg in a long time. I need a friend to come with me to work on muscle-building. Will you be that friend? We can build our muscles together.”
Perry looks up and smiles as he nods his head.
“Phew. I was nervous, but now that I know you’ll be with me, I feel better.”
Just then, the doorbell rings. I see Linda make her way toward the front door. A minute later, she walks back in and looks at me. “There’s someone at the door for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes, you.”
I slowly walk to and open the front door, completely shocked to see Henry standing there, looking nervous. If there’s one place Henry is unlikely to be seen, it’s at any group home. “Henry? Is everything okay? I thought we were meeting at Quincy’s place.”
He looks around and takes a few deep breaths as if he’s trying to calm himself. “Can we talk?”
“Of course. Are you okay?”
“I think so.” He holds out a cup with a lid. “Here, I brought you some homemade hot chocolate. I thought you could use it right now.”
I take it and smile at the gesture. “Thank you. What’s going on?”
“Arizona called me.”
“She did. What for?”