I ask, “Where are you?”
“In the production tent on the beach. It’s the only place I can get reception besides the villa. We’re about to shoot. I’m in hair and makeup. I figured it was the best time to call. You’ll be asleep by the time we’re done, and I didn’t want to go the day without talking to you.”
“You don’t need any makeup. You’re naturally beautiful.”
Her face softens before dickhead interrupts again. “That’s what I told them too. She doesn’t need anything. My girlfriend is sexy as hell.”
She turns her head and warns, “Watch it, Butch. Go put on your makeup. I think you need it more than me.”
Cheetah and I smile at each other.
She looks back at the phone. “What are you up to today?”
I move the phone so she can see Cheetah. He wiggles his eyebrows. “Move that top down a drop so I can see your pink nipples. I dream of them every night.” He flicks his tongue suggestively.
She smiles and shakes her head at him. “That was a one-time show. I was desperate for my sexy man. It had been too long.”
“Do you want me to scratch his chest for you? It was so hot when you did that. I think I have a new fetish from watching it.”
She bites her lip. “I think I left deep enough marks on him that they should still be there.”
I smirk as I lift my shirt and show them both the evidence of her statement. “I wear them proudly. I can’t wait for a refresher. From you, not Cheetah.”
We all laugh.
We chat for a bit before she’s called to go shoot. We hang up and Cheetah has a pained look on his face. “Yep, he definitely wants to fuck her.”
I blow out a breath. “I know. And right now, they’re shooting with his hands all over her body.” I tug on my hair. “The thought is driving me insane.”
“Sorry, man. It sucks.”
“How did I become this person? Maybe this is why I’ve never had a girlfriend before now.”
He gives me a compassionate look. “You never had agirlfriend because you never met the right one. Now you have. We both know that. Don’t deny it.”
I blow out a long breath. “I won’t deny it. You’re right. I just hate our circumstances at the moment. I’m miserable.”
He gives me a hopeful look. “The gang is going out this weekend. You should come with us.”
“I don’t know…”
“You’re coming. It will be good for you. You can’t sit here and pine after her for two months. A distraction will be good for you. Sitting here thinking of him touching her isn’t healthy. Try to stay busy. Time goes by faster when you’re busy. Find a new hobby other than jerking off to her picture.”
I give him the finger. “Do you think she’s better off with him?”
He rolls his eyes. “Fuck no. He’s a douche. Stop letting him mess with your head. You two are the real deal. Even a blind man can see that. I meant what I said. I would give anything to have what you have with her.”
“Really? You seem to like the bachelor life.”
“It’s getting a little old. My mother is driving me nuts about not being married and giving her more grandkids. I’m going home for the holidays, and I know it’s going to be nothing but a verbal attack from everyone about me still being a bachelor. My six siblings have produced seventeen grandkids. I’m the black sheep of the family. I’m half tempted to hire someone to pretend to be my girlfriend for the holidays just to keep them all off my back.”
“You should take Kam home with you. You guys have become friends, and you have a good time together.”
He lets out a laugh. “Kam and my family? Umm…no. Bailey would be perfect though. My mother would love her. Not a bad idea, Lancaster.”
I can’t help but start laughing. “Oh my god, stop tickling me.”