Page 118 of Double Play

Butch chuckles. “It helps you relax. Stop being so uptight. Have fun with this. There are worse things we could be doing to earn a buck.”

He’s standing behind me on the beach, his front pressed against my back. We’ve been taking photos for hours. It’s been a long day, our third in a row of shooting. I more than welcome the day off tomorrow.

The photographer instructs, “Butch, put your thumbs in the sides of her bikini bottoms. Like you’re about to pull them down.”

He immediately obliges, always anxious to touch me. If he pulls them down too far, I will turn around and punch him in the face.

The difference between him and Layton is remarkable. Butch takes advantage of every opportunity to have his hands on my body, without ever seeking permission from me. Even the first night Layton and I went to that party, he asked permission to touch my back. He asked permission to hold my hand. At our photo shoot, he always sought my agreement before taking things up a notch. That’s how a man is supposed to treat a woman. Not like Butch who gropes me whenever he can without giving it a second thought.

He's so self-absorbed that he doesn’t even pickup on my overt cues that I don’t like it. How did I get myself involved in this?

I can’t wait for a day off tomorrow. I need a break from him.

He pulls me close to his body. I can feel his erection. Ugh.

I wiggle away, creating distance between us, but he simply steps forward and does it all over again.

He whispers in my ear, “Want to go for a hike tomorrow? There’s a volcano nearby.”

“I’m exhausted. I might just relax tomorrow and do some reading by the pool. If I’m up for it, I’ll get in a workout.”

“Cool. I’ll do it with you.”

Fucking great.



It’s Saturday night and I just ordered an Uber to take me to meet my friends at Screwballs. It’s twenty minutes out.

Arizona has FaceTimed me the past three days at the same time, while she’s in hair and makeup. Butch is always hanging around. She flinched at his touch the first day. She didn’t the next two. She’s getting used to him touching her. Comfortable with it.

There’s already been a photo of them on location and speculation has begun about us breaking up and them now dating. I knew this was coming, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. I’m sure Longley will gradually roll out their relationship until it’s a frenzy just as their promotional tour begins.

I wobble through my lobby. Frederick rushes to help me. “It’s splendid to see you out and about, Master Lancaster.”

“Thanks, Frederick. I’m meeting some friends.”

“For cigars and brandy, sir?”

“Umm, sure.” More like beer and peanuts.

Frederick kindly helps me into my Uber, which I take to Screwballs. I smile when I maneuver my way inside and see all my friends sitting in our booth. I’m glad I came. I desperately needed this.

Using my crutches, I slowly make my way to the table. I knew Trey and Gemma weren’t coming, but I also don’t see Bailey. I look at Kam. “Where’s your sister?”

“She’s babysitting Harper tonight.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize Tanner was out tonight.” I thought he mentioned that he was staying in. I must be mistaken.

I notice a new girl sitting with Ezra. She’s adorable. I hold out my hand. “Hi, I’m Layton.”

“Hi, Layton. I met you a few years ago. I’m Daisy, Ezra’s childhood friend.”

That sort of rings a bell, but I play it off as best I can. “Oh right. I didn’t recognize you. Umm, your hair is different.”

She nods. “Yes, it’s shorter.”