I continue, “You guys are forever linked by your time here. You’re brothers and sisters in all the ways thatmatter. So if you’re having a day where you’re feeling lonely or sad, remember all your brothers and sisters around you. That’s what Henry and I do for each other. This way, we’re never lonely or sad.”
They all smile as they look around at one another.
Henry clears his throat. “If it’s okay with Layton and Linda, I’d like to come hang out with you guys. Some people in our hometown thought I might be a better ballplayer than Layton. Maybe I can teach you a few tricks he doesn’t know.”
I can’t help but laugh at that. The kids all join in.
The doorbell rings again and Linda gets up to answer it. About thirty seconds later, mine and Arizona’s friends walk in.
I look at them all. “What are you doing here?” I turn to Cheetah. “I thought you were going home for the holiday?” I thought they all were going to their respective homes.
He shrugs. “Arizona called us all. She invited us to Quincy’s feast with you. We decided to stick around.”
I look up and down the line of people, including Ezra, Trey, Cheetah, Bailey, Kamryn, and Ripley. “All of you?”
They nod. Trey turns to the kids. “And we brought you guys lots of goodies.”
The kids are all in awe as they receive gifts from their idols. I’m choked up with emotion over my friends’ selflessness.
We sit around for a bit, hanging out with the kids. It snowed last night, so the kids ask to go out back and play, which Linda allows.
We’re all standing at the window watching them when Kam looks at Linda. “Do you date?”
Linda lets out a laugh. “No, not in over a decade. Come to think of it, two decades.”
Kam pulls out her phone. “We should make you a Tinder account. You’re a hottie, Linda. What kind of men do you like? Or women? Or both?”
Linda lets out a laugh. “I’m seventy-two. My general preference is formenwho are simply alive.”
Kam smiles. “I’ve got this. We’re going to find you someone.”
I warn, “Kam. Leave it alone.”
Cheetah shakes his head. “I agree with Kam. Linda should go on Tinder.”
Linda pinches her eyebrows together. “What’s Tinder?”
Ripley smiles. “It’s a dating app.”
I shake my head. “It’s a hook-up app, not dating. It’s not appropriate for her.”
Linda appears confused. “What’s the difference?”
I’m about to say it in benign words when Kam interrupts, “Tinder is basically for fucking. You see someone cute, meet up, and have sex. You can date if you want, but that’s not the purpose of the app.”
Linda thinks for a moment. I assume she’s going to be disgusted, but she pulls out her phone and shrugs. “Maybe I should download the app and check it out.”
I’m in shock.
She shows her phone screen to Kam. “Did I download the right app?”
Kam starts laughing hysterically. “Umm, that’s Grindr, not Tinder.”
Cheetah practically falls on the floor in laughter.
Linda’s head toggles between the two ofthem. “What’s that?”
Kam smirks. “Tinder for gay men.”