I moan out, “Ahh. This isn’t a romance novel. It’s my real life. I’m in love with this woman. She’s…she’s…everything.”

Layton asks, “How’s the sex?”

“I’m not giving details, but it’s easily the best of my life. She loves my dirty talk. I need to up my game. Got any good lines?”

Cheetah’s face lights up. “Tell her you’re like Crest toothpaste. Nine out of ten dentists recommend you in her mouth.”

Layton laughs and I roll my eyes. “That’s not dirty talk. That’s just a cheesy pickup line. You’re clueless.”

Layton twists his mouth. “How about milk my winky like a cow?”

I sigh. “I don’t know why I bother.”

Cheetah asks, “What do you call it when a man talks dirty to a woman?”


“Sexual harassment. What do you call it when a woman talks dirty to a man?”

I shrug. “I don’t know.”

“$19.99 per minute.”

I burst out laughing. “That’s a good one.”

Just then, my text tone pings. I see that it’s Gemma and excitedly open it.

Gemma: My legs are missing you between them.

Me: Don’t make me hard while I’m with my friends.

Gemma: I can’t stop thinking about last night. I think I purred at one point.

I chuckle. She did purr.

Gemma: I didn’t shower. I wanted you inside me all day.


Me: We hit several tropes last night. Any more you want to try this week?

Gemma: How about why choose?

I look up at Cheetah. “What’s the why choose trope?”

He lifts an eyebrow. “When it’s one woman and at least three men.”

Me: Are you nuts?

Gemma: LOL. Just busting your balls. You’re way too possessive to ever share me with another man. And, baby, you’re all the man I need.

Me: Damn straight. When can I see you again?

Gemma: I’m around this week. Let’s do something seasonal. Maybe ice skating or that new Christmas trolley.

Me: Anything to spend time with you. Tomorrow night?

Gemma: Okay. Seeyou then.