Trey and I have had the best two weeks. We’ve spent nearly every night together. We went ice skating, we ate good food, we had plenty to drink, and we even went holiday shopping for our families. There’s something extra romantic about doing holiday things with him during this time of the year. I don’t think there’s a single drop of mistletoe left in the city of Philadelphia that Trey hasn’t found and kissed me under.
We decided that we’ll recreate Christmas and exchange gifts when I get back from Florida. He talked me into returning on New Year’s Eve so we can spend that night together.
I’m leaving for the airport in the morning. This is our last night together for the holiday week. We wanted a cozy evening in since we’ve been out so much lately. We’re watchingChristmas Vacation, the greatest holiday movie ever created. His head is on my lap, and I’m aimlessly running my fingers through his hair.
The ending movie credits scroll, and he doesn’t move. I look down and realize that he’s sleeping. I can’t help but stare. He’s so handsome.
I gently trace his chin dimple with my finger. He stirs and mumbles, “I’m sorry I lied. I love you. Don’t leave me.”
Tears fill my eyes. I’m falling for him, but I know we have an expiration date.
I land in Florida.I need this week with my grandmother to clear my head. She and I have a lot to talk about.
Even though I usually Uber to her house, she’s standing at baggage claim, waiting for me with her arms crossed. I know she’s mad. I’ve been putting off this conversation for weeks, sending her calls to voicemail and minimally responding to her texts.
As I get closer, her green eyes, exactly like my own, find mine. “You’ve been ignoring me, Gemma Morgan.”
I blow out a breath. “I know. I’m sorry. I wanted to talk to you about it in person. And I wasn’t ready to face reality just yet.”
“Yes, we do have a lot to talk about. We can start with you explaining why you’re dating a famous baseball player who’s pretending to be a plumber.”
I look at Grammy Jane.Tears well in my eyes and she immediately pulls me into an embrace.
“Oh, sweetie. What in the world is going on?”
I sink into her comfort. “It’s so confusing. I don’t know why he lied to me. He’s come on so strong, claiming he wants forever, but apparently thinks I’m a moron and don’t know who he is. I’ve been waiting for him to tell me the truth since the first moment I met him, but he’s been steadfast in the lie. I don’t understand it.”
When the famous baseball player Trey DePaul first tapped on my shoulder in the restaurant, I nearly fell out of my seat. You see those guys on television, but seeing someone larger than life in person leaves you speechless. And he’s gorgeous. More beautiful than any man I’ve ever known.
He mentioned being my client. It took me a moment, but I realized he was claiming to beTrey Donatucci, my alleged Book Boyfriend Builders client. A plumber. Suddenly the profile picture made sense, and I connected the dots. What I didn’t understand was why he signed up for theservice.
Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to play along. After all, he did pay our hefty fee. He was entitled to my service. Who am I to judge why he wanted it?
She questions, “You’ve never said anything to him letting him know that you know who he is?”
I shake my head. “No. It needs to come from him. Honestly, at first, I thought he was just trying to fly under the radar. He wanted to sign up for my service but didn’t want anyone to know he needed it. A famous, handsome baseball player? Women undoubtedly flock to him. The night we met, he gave me a speech about wanting a woman who doesn’t care about his job. I felt bad for him. I tried to imagine myself in his shoes. Women probably throw themselves at him for all the wrong reasons, so I decided to see where it went. For weeks, I was helping him learn about how book boyfriends behave. Looking back, I realize he asked a lot of questions about my specific wants and needs.”
“How did he end up in your bed?”
“The night before you met him on the call, he kissed me and admitted that he signed up for my service because he was enamored with me. He’s so intense about his feelings. He showers me with…love and affection. Constantly.”
“It’s kind of romantic.”
“It’s incredibly romantic.He’sincredibly romantic. He openly and unashamedly professes his love to me all the time, but equally lies to my face about who he is. I don’t know what to believe, and I don’t understand why he hasn’t told me the truth of his identity.”
“How do you feel about him?”
Tears fall down my cheeks. “I know it’s quick, and I’m usually so rational regarding matters of the heart, but I think I’m falling for him. It feels special, but then I keep going back to the lie.”
“How’s the sex?”