After releasing my hand, Finn held out his own map, still holding my gaze. “I got in only an hour ago, so I have no clue where to get something to eat. I’m embarrassingly lost.” He wasn’t embarrassed at all with the way he stepped forward, invading my space.

I didn’t mind one bit. It had been a long time since I’d had a bed partner. My hormones kicked into overdrive when his heat pressed against me. “I can’t help you with that,” I murmured, sounding a smidge breathless and tilting my head toward Ezra. “We’re also lost.”

Finn didn’t even glance at Ezra, his eyes leveling with mine as he bent. “That’s a pity.” His dark head tilted as his nostrils flared — a tiny smile etching his yummy lips — more than likely scenting the fact his mere presence was turning me on. “Maybe we can find it together.” Not really a question, more an implied request to something else altogether.

Ezra snorted softly, turning his attention away from us.

And still, Finn didn’t look away.

“Now’s not a good time,” I stated, doing a wonderful job to keep the disappointment from my tone. “I have a meeting I have to attend.”

He cocked his head. “Raincheck?” Yeah, he wasn’t asking to have a meal together.

Our staring contest had definitely become a battle of wills now, so I couldn’t scan over his body, but he had felt plenty hard enough when I had run into him. “Possibly.”

He grinned, dimples creasing his cheeks. “Promising.”

“We’re going to be late,” Ezra drawled, glancing at his watch.

Finn straightened, taking the hint. Winking at me, he twisted between Ezra and me, and passed by. He only took his eyes off mine when he turned the corner.

“Alpha?” Ezra rumbled, giving me a tiny shove in the other direction.

“Oh, yes. Very powerful.” I rolled my shoulders as I moved along with him. My voice had dropped an octave from that little encounter. “It has been a very long time, Ezra.”

Ezra grunted, rubbing his nose and glancing down at our map.

I sighed, pointing at the conference room area. “I think we took a wrong turn there.”

Glancing from side-to-side, he agreed.

It took us ten more minutes to find the main Ruler conference room, having entered three other smaller ones first. Pathetically, we didn’t actually find it ourselves. In the end, we followed the sound of Antonio and Cahal — Ezra’s dad — arguing around another corner.

“You can cut the damn act, Antonio,” Cahal muttered, his voice traveling loudly, which meant he was probably shouting. “You’ve always been a bad liar.”

“Go f**k yourself,” Antonio retorted. “It’s not an act, as much as you think otherwise.”

I sniffed the air as Ezra and I tentatively turned the corner. I smelled deception. Whatever they were arguing about, Antonio had just lied to Cahal. Only a Shifter would scent it though. And his heart rate was normal for an argument. Not wanting to give the lie away, I hooded my eyes when their attention slammed to us.

Cahal’s nostrils were already flared, but he stalled. Inhaling even more deeply, he glanced at me. His dark gaze instantly swung to his son.

Ezra’s lips twitched, his gauging eyes darting between the arguing two. “She just met a Shifter she wants to jump in bed with.”

My cheeks flushed, and I realized Cahal was smelling my lingering arousal. “I wouldn’t say ‘jump’ exactly.” That made me sound like a slut. After a quick glare at Ezra, I turned my attention to Antonio. “If you’ll point us to the main Ruler conference room, we’ll get out of your hair.”

Antonio ran an agitated hand through said golden hair. “I’ll show you.” His eyes pierced Cahal’s, glowing in silent warning. “We’re through here.” He shoved the riled Vampire’s shoulder as he walked, herding Ezra and I into a conference room two doors down.

Cahal was still glaring at the back of Antonio’s head.

“What was that about?” I barely breathed.

Antonio yanked his hair back with a hair tie, his movements agitated. “Things aren’t always what they appear, Lil. You’d do well to remember that.” He left us, marching straight to an extensive bar at a corner of the vast square room, and poured himself a large drink. It wasn’t even noon yet.

Ezra raised an eyebrow in silent question.

I only shrugged, not giving away the fact that I knew Antonio had lied to his dad. Antonio and Cahal had acted distant at the graduation, but they had worked together well. They had trusted each other anyway, when the attacks had occurred. But then, they were used to that type of interaction, since they had been the Kings when the war had erupted the first time. It appeared they didn’t like each other any more than any other Mystical from different factions.

Turning my attention to the packed room, I saw all of the current Kings, healthy and well, standing in the corner and speaking with other men dressed as they were in suits. In fact, everyone was in a suit. Glancing down at my own attire of a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, and then at Ezra in his jeans and t-shirt, plus his hooded blue jacket, I kind of wished Antonio had mentioned the dress requirement. We were sorely out of place.

Not to mention… “I’m the only female here.”

Ezra chuckled. “You’ll get the most attention, then.”

“As if I want it,” I muttered quickly under my breath. A Shifter with black hair was approaching, wearing a friendly smile with his stuffy duds. He appeared to be mid-thirties in Com years, so he was probably between one hundred and one hundred and fifty years old. Handsome and tall — like all Mysticals — his body was built with plenty of muscles, as all Shifter bodies were. He had a kind face compared to all the stoic individuals inside the room.

“Lily Ruckler. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He extended his hand, while I enjoyed listening to his lilting brogue. “I’m Elder Talus.”

Keeping my expression pleasant, I shook his hand, having no clue who he was except to guess he had been the King Shifter directly before Antonio and Cahal’s group were in power. “It’s nice to meet you, too.” Removing my hand from his, I gestured to Ezra. “This is Ezra Zeller, Prodigy Vampire.” I smiled sweetly at Ezra, pulling the attention off myself and also giving him a little payback for his comment outside.

Ezra’s lips twitched, but he greeted Elder Talus agreeably.