“Yeah.” Ezra’s heavy sigh was stricken, his warm breath fanning against my neck. “I’m going to find a TV to bring in here. I don’t think he’s getting out of bed for a while. He’s lying awake over there, staring at his hand.”

Straightening, I popped my back, then relaxed against Ezra’s solid strength. He gently massaged my cramped back muscles as we contemplated the new sunlight and the crystal clear blue sky above us. I whispered, “It’s hard to believe beauty can still exist when the world is so bleak.”

He hummed lightly as we watched a bird fly across the sky. “It’s the beauty that helps us return from the harshness. If it wasn’t there, we would have nothing to live for.” With ease, he brushed his lips against the side of my neck. “I’m going to take a shower, then find us a TV.”

The actions of our brief conversation were so domesticated, so normal, during this turbulent time; it was exactly what I needed to fortify myself to be who Pearl needed.

I went back to cleaning.

A knock sounded on our door two hours later. I was still helping Pearl, while Ezra sat next to Jack on the bed flipping through channels on the flat screen TV he had found, trying to find a station that didn’t show anything about the riots. The television hung suspended in the air between two dressers.

At the sound of the knock, Ezra and I both froze. Jack didn’t move, which wasn’t surprising, and Pearl continued muttering to herself and pulling on her hair as she — finally — attempted to get the coffee table back to rights. My eyes swung to Ezra, and he blinked, staring at something on the wall. He pointed in the direction of the closets while saying softly, “Your name’s glowing above your closet.”

The knock came again.

I raced across the room to see that, indeed, my name was glowing above the door to my closet. “It could be like a doorbell, telling us which door someone’s knocking on?” I glanced around worriedly. “Maybe they’ll go away?”

Once again the knock sounded, more forcefully this time.

“Or not.” Ezra jumped from the bed and turned toward Pearl. “Think I can move her?”

We stared.

“No,” I whispered, watching as Pearl magically raised the coffee table into the air, which currently looked like a science experiment gone wrong. “I wouldn’t mess with her.”

Ezra ran a hand through his spiked hair. Nodded jerkily. “Alright. We answer. Elder Farrar spelled the rooms. He wouldn’t do this without a foolproof plan.”

Warily, we moved to the door.

Ezra positioned himself behind me like a sentinel so no one could enter.

I slowly opened the door a smidge to peek through the crack.

Amused golden eyes found mine. “‘Bout time, Lil.”

Antonio shoved the door with his hand, bumping my body back against Ezra’s as the door swung open fully. His eyes went wide as he watched Pearl make the freaky coffee table hover before her and spin in a circle so she could see all the wrong angles. His lips pursed as his golden eyes darted to Jack on the bed.

Rolling his shoulders, Antonio peered back to us and said softly, “The room is obviously spelled. Only you four and the person who created the spell,” he smirked, “me, can see what is really happening inside. When a door is knocked on, the owner’s name will glow above their closet, which, it appears, you already figured out. Remember to keep your hand on the doorknob, otherwise they won’t be able to see you. To them, the room appears as your old rooms did at the Kings’ houses.” He glanced to Ezra, then back to me. “They won’t even be able to hear the other heartbeats inside.” He held a finger up. “But don’t let them in. If they cross the entrance, the truth will be shown.”

I blinked.

“I also came to tell you there’s a meeting in the Ruler’s main conference room in an hour.” He lifted a hand, which held a large paper bag. “And to give you sustenance. It’s everyone’s favorite.” He passed the bag to me and kissed my cheek, whispering, “Take a shower, Lil. You stink of cleaning products and your hair’s a mess.” He stared at Ezra over my shoulder for a few moments, an unreadable expression on his face, before turning on his heel and sauntering down the hallway. “You’re welcome.”

I started, hollering at his retreating form, “Thank you!”

He waved a negligent hand before turning the corner and disappearing from view.

Ezra and I stood frozen, staring after Antonio, before Ezra tapped the door closed with a swift flick of his finger. His arm curved over my shoulder as he lifted the bag from my hands. Glancing inside it, he hummed in appreciation before bumping me with his elbow. “You don’t reek so bad. Though you do have major bedhead.”

“Thanks,” I muttered, turning to peer into the bag. My stomach growled. “I’m still going to eat before I shower.”

Chapter Four

Ezra and I wandered the twisting hallways of King Cave, trying to figure out where the hell we were going. Antonio had kindly placed a map inside our breakfast bag, but we were still lost. Jack remained in bed, and he hadn’t moved or eaten any of the food we left on one of the bedside tables. Pearl had finished reconstructing the coffee table and had moved on to fixing the bookcases. Neither of our best friends were in a state to attend this meeting. Hopefully, it wouldn’t last too long so we could quickly get back to them. So it seemed right on par for this awful morning that, as we rounded a sharp corner, I slammed against an enormous, firm body.

Grunting, I started to fall, but Ezra’s arm blurred. He caught and righted me. Swiftly pulling his hand back, Ezra started to maneuver around the man I had slammed into.

I wasn’t moving. My feet were firmly planted to the cave floor as I stared at a god of a Shifter. Seeing panting in my future, I quickly shut my mouth and stared instead.

“Sorry about that.” The black-haired Shifter grinned. “Who knew King Cave could have danger lurking around the corner?”

My eyes ate up his features as Ezra stepped back beside me, obviously understanding I wasn’t moving anytime soon. “Yeah, who knew?” The Shifter’s brown eyes were very pretty on his rugged, chiseled face. Holding out my hand, I stated, “I’m Lily.”

He chuckled, extending his hand and taking mine in a firm handshake. His gaze never once dipped away from mine, holding eye contact, which was damn impressive. This Shifter was most definitely a strong alpha. Probably my age of twenty or right around there. “I’m Finn, and I know who you are. It’s lovely to meet you.”