She could hardly make sense of his words. She shook her head, thinking,I can’t breathe.
In a formidable move, he swept his arms under her thighs, rising at the same time.
A startled scream escaped her. She scrambled for purchase against the wall, knocking a painting askew and catching a fistful of his bound hair.
“You’re safe, goddess.” His breath was between her legs, her thighs braced on his shoulders. His wide hands splayed under her butt supported her. “I’m here to worship. I won’t let you fall.”
Her choke of disbelief turned to a fresh cry of surprise when he set his teeth in playful warning against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.
Her legs quivered in reaction, trying to close, but it was too late. He buried his mouth against her nether lips and scored her with the wet lash of his tongue.
She was at his mercy, completely unable to get away. It was raw intimacy and exquisite sensations.
He wanted to annihilate her, she thought wildly. Nothing would be the same after this. Nothing.
But as hot spears of pleasure emanated upward and outward, filling her with joyous light, she didn’t care. She wanted him to wreck her. She pushed the back of her head against the wall and worked her hands with sensual agitation into his hair, not bothering to stifle her moans of pleasure. The bodyguards in the hall outside the suite could probably hear her and she didn’t care.
No one had ever done this to her.Forher. Shefeltworshipped. She felt like a goddess. Pure. Powerful. Deserving.
She arched her back, angled her hips and guided his head, gasping, “There. Please.”
He found the perfect rhythm with his tongue, lavishing her with intensely sweet, generous attention. It was so good, it was almost painful, yet she begged him, “More. Don’t stop.” Waves of heat built in her core. Her stomach knotted with tension. Her legs stiffened and her toes pointed. She bit her lip, trying to reach the pinnacle. “Please, Magnus. Please.”
Climax arrived with the blinding force of a lightning strike. While she shuddered and jolted in paroxysms of pleasure, her moans of ecstasy bounced off the high ceiling and echoed around the room.
Magnus was shaking with exertion when Lexi’s body slumped into weighty gratification.
He let her slide down until he could catch her in the cradle of his arms. He was so acutely aroused he wanted to throw her on the bed and fling himself on top of her, driving into her like an animal.
“I need a condom,” he reminded himself, and went into the bathroom to get them from his case. He splashed cold water onto his face while he was there, trying to regain some semblance of control.
She was magnificent. His perfect match. The fact he only had one night with her infuriated him. A lengthy affair with her was one more thing he couldn’t have and he wanted to bellow his rage at the world for it.
He dried his beard and walked back into the bedroom to find her waiting in his bed, sitting against the pillows with a sheet pulled up to cover her breasts. The black straps of her bra were gone. Her shoes were on the floor beside the monogrammed slippers he never used.
All the bitter acrimony within him hardened into a diamond that glittered and sent out shards of hunger and anticipation and lust.One night.He would make the most of it.
He removed a condom from the box and left the box on the night table, then clutched the packet in his teeth while he pulled the cord from his hair. The pewter wolf’s head landed next to the box. He gave his hair a loose comb with his fingers, shaking it out.
She watched him, keeping the edge of her lip in her teeth as he stripped off the rest of his clothes. By the time he was naked, her eyes had widened with wariness.
“Still with me, goddess?” he asked gruffly. The beast in him snarled, unwilling to be denied.
“Nervous,” she said in a small voice.
“Why?” He applied the condom and threw back the covers, exposing her very enticing form.
She let out a squeak of surprise and wriggled sideways, leaving ample room on the mattress for him to settle beside her.
He braced on his elbow, appreciating the endless expanse of pale skin that held a hint of gold. Her full, uptilted breasts had beige nipples pebbled with arousal, making his mouth water. Then there was the shadowy valley between her shyly clamped thighs, calling to him.
“Did I not demonstrate that I’m an extremely considerate lover?” He traced a light caress from her ankle to her knee, then up her thigh to her hip.
Her breasts quivered as she took a shaken breath.
“I plan to give you so many orgasms, you won’t have the strength to say,Thank you, Magnus.”
The noise she made was a catch between a sob and a laugh. “I want to call you arrogant, but I’m afraid you’re only telling the truth.”