“Let’s find out, shall we?” He scooped his arm around her hips, dragging her close enough he could open his mouth on one of the very pretty nipples that were tempting him so irresistibly.
As he rolled the firm berry against his tongue, she moaned and ran her hands into his hair.
“I didn’t know I had a kink for men with long hair,” she confided in a husky voice. “But I like how it feels.”
“Don’t talk about other men.” He was not so hypocritical he thought women shouldn’t take lovers, but he didn’t want to think about her with anyone but him.
He rose enough to press her onto her back and swept his mouth to her other nipple, taking his time as he laved and sucked, enjoying the way she slid her fingers through his hair as he did.
When he couldn’t wait any longer, he rose to kiss her, needing the feel of her lips opening against his own. Needing the brush of her tongue when he invaded.
And she was welcoming here, too. He strayed his hand between her thighs and found her soft and plump and slick. He wanted to taste her again. He wanted to live his life with the right to explore her like this, easing his touch into silken heat, feeling her muscles clamp snugly around his exploring finger while her breath hitched.
Her eyes were hazed with carnal need. He looked from that exquisite sight to the roll of her hips as she lifted to meet the slow thrust of his hand.
“Show me how you like to be touched.” He needed to learnexactlyhow to please her, right now, because he didn’t have a lifetime to learn it.
He didn’t have a lifetime to practice, either.
“Magnus, please.” She swept her hands across his shoulders, then wriggled her hand between them, closing her hand around his girth. “I want to feel this.You.”
He could have lost himself right there, from only her soft grip and erotic words. It killed him to give up touching her, but he shifted to settle between her thighs, pushing them wide with his knees to make room for his hips.
“I’m a strong man, Lexi.” He was built tall and wide and burned off a lot of sexual frustration in the weight room. “Ireallywant you.” More than he’d ever wanted anyone. Ever. But he wasn’t going to dwell on how disconcerting that was. Not when he was at heaven’s gate. “Stop me if I get too rough.”
“You won’t.”
She didn’t know, though. She didn’t know how badly he wanted to make her his.
Leaning his weight on one elbow, he guided himself to her entrance and probed. Everything in him wanted to thrust to his root, but her nails bit into his upper arm.
He froze and looked at where she was pinching his biceps.
“Sorry.” She rubbed the spot. “I really want this to be good for you.”
“Look where I am.” He nibbled the edge of her jaw. “This is very good.”
He flared his nostrils to take in oxygen, trying to keep a few brain cells working as her heat closed around his tip, threatening to burn him alive. He let his weight do the work, slowly settling his pelvis onto hers as he forged his way into a sensation that dimmed his vision.
As he arrived deep inside her, his back flexed with pleasure.
“Oh,” she breathed shakily, as though discovering something new. Then she bent her leg to sweep one foot against the back of his calf.
The movement drew him a fraction deeper into paradise. Her hands stroked his ribs and caressed his back and found his buttocks. She tilted back her head and made a noise of luxury.
The outside world disintegrated. All that existed was her and this: the drag and thrust of lovemaking and the profound pleasure it gave them both.
Lexi woke cotton-headed. She was in a dark room. The tangled weight of Magnus’s limbs pinned her to the mattress.
He was entitled to his arrogance, was her first lazy thought. He had delivered a string of orgasms that had nearly broken her in half.
“Stay,” he grumbled when she tried to pull away.
“Nature calls.” She dragged herself to the bathroom and used the toilet, then slipped on the hotel robe while she washed off her makeup.
Magnus came in, casually naked and burnished bronze by the muted night-light. He wordlessly handed her a toothbrush from a drawer, still in its packet. Then he closed himself into the toilet stall, emerging a moment later to brush his own teeth.
“Do you mind?” She picked up his hairbrush.