Page 74 of Set Me On Fire

“There’s a cafe down at the beach.” I skated past his question and got to the point. “The one near the jetty.”


“Yeah, that one. How about we meet there at say, six o’clock? I can book us a table.”

“I can do it.” There was a little iron in his voice that had me shivering. “Maybe we can have an early dinner. My shout. It’d be good to talk, Millie. There’s so much I want to tell you.”

“Right. Right.” I was sucking in oxygen like I’d run a mile now. “Well, have a good training session. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jamie better be happy with that. I’d organised a time, a place, outside of work hours where no one else was likely to overhear. My hand slid to my stomach, rubbing the flat surface. One way or the other, I’d make sure Noah knew what was happening. I nodded to myself, opening my eyes before ringing Jamie back.

Chapter 36


“Where’s your head at?”

Rhys, my personal trainer stood over me as I strained under the weight of a fifty kilo barbell, performing one more back squat. I blinked, the room, the gym, the blaring music, and his expression coming back to me suddenly. As if to prove his point, my legs quivered, ready to fail the movement. Rhys darted in, taking the barbell from me, allowing me to stagger free.

“Not here, that’s for sure.” He set the barbell back on the rack, then turned back my way. “What’s up with you tonight, Noah? You always come in and give shit one hundred percent effort.”

“Is there any way someone telling you ‘we need to talk’ is a good thing?”

His brows disappeared under his shaggy fringe.

“A girl said she wants to talk, or was it a guy? I’ve never seen you show even the slightest bit of interest in anyone before and was half expecting you to come out of the closet when you felt brave enough. Luke gave me his number to give to you if you did.”

“What?” There was too damn much in that conversation. I shook my head, as if that would clear it, but instead sent sweat streaming into my eyes. I grabbed my towel and bottle of water, mopping my face before drinking down several swallows. “I’m not into dudes, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Luke…?” Rhys’ co-owner was out and proud, but I didn’t think I was his type. “I’m not into girls either.”

“Ohh, so you’re ace or whatever it's called.”

“No.” How the hell was I blushing like a dumb kid after knowing Rhys for this long? I tore off my gloves and threw them into my bag, because he was right. My head was not in the session and lifting heavy like we did, that was dangerous.

Because you never should’ve come here, my mind supplied helpfully.You should’ve run over to Millie’s place, met her whenever and wherever she wanted. You should’ve?—

“I’m just into Millie.” Rhys didn’t look any less confused. “She was this girl from school and…”

What, I was going to tell him about school and her brothers and how I pussied out? Even I knew that was social suicide. The gym had become a haven for me late in high school. I’d walked in wanting to change everything about my body, and instead, I’d found… strength. I stared into his eyes and waited for the judgement to come, but you didn’t build a relationship with a coach for ten years and see that. I didn’t at least. He just nodded, made it clear he was listening as I continued.

“And she’s the only one I’ve ever wanted. For one night, I had her…”

Not all of her, though. In some ways it made it easier. With the rest of my team in the room kissing Millie, pleasing her, I could mask my own spiralling fear. That I had no idea what to do, how to make her feel good, other than the shit I’d read about. All theory, no practise, that was me.

“And then she was gone.” I forced myself to smile. “Gone for good, I thought, but she rang me today and said?—”

“She wants to talk.” Rhys nodded. “Could be good, could be bad. Fuck.” He raked a hand through his hair. “Maybe she’s pregnant.”

I snorted, smiling for real this time as I shook my head.

“She’s on the pill. We, I mean, I checked.”

“We, huh…” He nodded slowly. “Well, did she ask you to come over tonight and get ‘the talk’ over with?”


“Not anything urgent then.” He reached out and clapped his hand on my shoulder. “It’s probably nothing big. Did you use protection?”
