Page 164 of Set Me On Fire

“No crying, love,” Dad said in a gruff voice. “You don’t want panda eyes for the photographs.”

“Photographs?” I asked in a faintly hysterical voice.

“Ma!” Chloe announced, waving her arms around. “Ma!”

“Hey, baby.” I leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead, then pulled back to see the cute little white dress someone had put her in. “What the hell have your daddies been up to?”

“‘Ell!” she agreed.

“Time to find out, love.” Dad winked at me in the rear vision mirror. “Buckle up now.”

Chapter 70


“This is not a wedding…” Charlie said, walking back and forth. “This is not a wedding.”

“It’s as close to a wedding that we can give her,” Knox rumbled, straightening his tie for the tenth time.

“Feels real to me.”

At the creak in my voice, the others looked up, and I was forced to just smile through their inspection. Why the hell did we choose a beach for this? I felt raw, vulnerable in a way I hadn’t felt since our daughter was born, but here? Here every passerby could see the slight shake in my hands, the nervous energy pouring off me.

Turns out no one else mattered.

Buster barked, pulling against the lead Knox held, his focus entirely trained on Chloe. He was utterly besotted with our daughter, whereas we… We could only stare at Millie as she walked down the beach. Heather and Jamie had taken control of her train, helping her walk across the sand without dragging the beautiful dress across it. She looked so freaking gorgeous.

“Bloody hell, that was money well spent,” Charlie hissed as she came closer.

“Every cent.” Knox shook his head. “Every damn cent.”

“So, we’re ready to go?”

The celebrant was an older man who had cut his teeth in the celebrant industry helping the queer community make commitments to each other before same-sex marriage was legalised. We figured he’d be open minded enough to deal with our situation, and we were right. We’d hired him for the whole afternoon, not sure when Jamie and Millie would be done.

“Readier than I’ve ever been in my life,” I told him with a grin.

So was everyone else. We’d gotten as many of the guys from the station to come down as we could, as well as some of my friends. I raised an eyebrow when Rhys had turned up with Katie, Dave’s ex, and by the look of it, Rhett was wishing he’d pulled his finger out before now, but everyone fell silent as the girls approached. Angus looked as pleased as punch, leading his daughter up the impromptu aisle we’d created in the sand. Millie was on one arm and Chloe was caught up in the other as they approached.

“We made it,” he hissed with a grin, then made a show of handing our girls over. Chloe reached for me and I held her close, but it was her mother I was focussed on.

“What the freaking hell!” Millie hissed as soon as she got close. The celebrant’s eyebrows shot upwards. “You know I hate surprises.”

“No, you don’t.” I took in the flush of her cheeks, the gleam in her eye, and was pretty damn sure I had this right. “You hate feeling unprepared, but when people step up and give you everything you’ve been dreaming about, you’re pretty happy.”

“After you calm down,” Charlie said as an aside.

“This is us showing you that we’ll do that for the rest of your life,” Knox added. “For you, Chlo, and any other kids we have.” He shook his head. “You’re it for us.”

“Sounds like we’ve begun the ceremony already,” the celebrant said, prompting us to turn his way. “We’re gathered here today to celebrate the joining of these people…”

I barely heard a word he said. We could’ve made Buster the celebrant for all I cared. I just needed my girls, but we went through the ceremony, our daughter exclaiming along with the celebrant, which sent everyone into giggles. The little rabbit soon worked out she had an audience and started making more and more noises, stealing the show. I didn’t know if this was what Millie had planned. I was willing to bet it wasn’t, because I don’t think any of us could have anticipated the place we’d end up, but as Knox produced the legal documents our lawyers had drawn up to try and protect everyone involved, we signed them with a flourish.

“You’re ours now, baby,” I told Millie as I pulled her closer. “Signed, sealed, and delivered. Together forever.”

“Together forever!” she agreed, announcing that to the crowd.

Chapter 71