Personally, I’m itching to get back to work – I guess I’ll always love my life in the Mafia too much to ever get bored by it.

But that being said, it’s nice to be spending more quality time with my boy.

I always knew there was something special about Eddie. From the first time I saw his profile picture on, I felt something so different compared to all the other boys.

Sure, Eddie was cute.

I mean, Eddie was super-cute – and I loved everything about his smile, his body, and his personal kinks and preferences.

But there was something else. Call it that magical feeling you get when your eyes come across someone you just know is destined to be a part of your life.


Maybe I’m getting sentimental in my not-so-old age?

All I know is that Eddie makes me happy, just like my senses told me he would.

And today, we’re having fun at The Fluffy Diaper.

But that’s not to say that we won’t be dealing with the issue of the boy leaving his toys all scattered across my apartment floor…

‘Boy, I need to have a serious discussion with you,’ I say as Eddie and I walk out of the Fluffy Diaper’s large playroom.

‘Is everything okay, Daddy?’ Eddie says, a butter wouldn’t melt look on his face. ‘Aren’t you having fun here? Is it too Little for you?’

‘No, no, I love being at The Fluffy diaper with my baby boy,’ I say, casting my eyes over just how adorable Eddie looks.

Eddie looks gorgeous in the purple romper with cute puppy-shaped outlines over it. And with a thick diaper underneath, his butt is looking even bigger and even more appealing than it normally does.

As far as being at The Fluffy Diaper goes, I couldn’t be happier.

‘What I don’t love, however, is the fact that yet again you left a string of toys all over the floor at my place,’ I reply, a sternness to my voice that I can see catches the boy by surprise. ‘We’ve talked about this, haven’t we?’

I can see Eddie gasp.

His mind is suddenly in panic mode.

One of the skills I can always rely on is my ability to read people and see the moment when they know something is about to go down.

Maybe it’s a Mafia thing, but if this was a standoff with another gangster, right now I’d be getting ready to pull the trigger…

‘D-D-D-Daddy… but tidying up is… boring!’ Eddie says, a sly grin on his face. ‘Playing with toys is fun, and tidying up is justsilly!’

I think the boy knows exactly what he’s doing right now.

He wants to push me.

He wants to see me lose my patience with him.

Well, if that’s what he wants… that’spreciselywhat he’ll get.

‘We’ll see how silly you think tidying is when I’m done with you,’ I say, taking Eddie by the hand and marching him down the corridor and into one of the private rooms. ‘It’s time to introduce your bottom to apaddle.’

‘Daddy! No! I promise I’ll tidy up after myself better!’ Eddie squeals, a look of panic on his face. ‘I didn’t know you’d bring a paddle into this!’

‘Well, you should have thought of that,’ I growl, determined to instill some discipline into my naughty boy. ‘Now, come with me.’

I shut the door behind us and watch as Eddie nervously walks into the center of the room.