‘I feel so warm and cozy,’ I say as I nestle into Nico’s strong chest. ‘I think Squeeze likes you too, Daddy!’
‘Well, I like him too,’ Nico laughs. ‘I don’t speak stuffie language, so maybe you can pass that on to him?’
‘Stuffie language?’ I giggle. ‘Silly Daddy, stuffies speak whatever language their Little speaks!’
‘How silly of me,’ Nico says, rolling his eyes and breaking out into a wholesome smile. ‘Well, tell Squeeze that he’s welcome to stay here as long as he likes. But no stealing from the treat cupboard!’
I laugh.
It might seem strange given what I witnessed Nico do today with Luca Conte and his thugs, but my Daddy is a real sweetheart.
I can see that his life in the Mafia is one thing, but him as a person outside of his work is a totally different thing.
I guess some people can do the whole separating work from personal life thing pretty well – and it’s a good job that Nico can, of all people.
Me? I find that harder.
My mind is still on East Side Sugar, and my Daddy can tell…
‘Talk to me,’ Nico says, lifting my chin gently with his fingers. ‘Daddy needs to know what you’re thinking right now. I might be able to help.’
‘I’m worried that all the stress of going it alone as the business owner will be too much for Mitch,’ I say, glad to be spilling my worries. ‘He’s mentioned before about me investing with him and becoming a partner, but I just don’t have the money.’
I can see that Nico is thinking something.
Maybe it’s his Mafia poker-face, but I can’t work out what he’s planning in his head…
‘I think… how about this?’ Nico smiles. ‘I’ll buy half of the business for you. I’ve got the cash. Hell, I’ve got more cash than I’d need in a hundred lifetimes. And you know, a Mafia man always needs a business to invest his money in, right?’
I can’t quite believe what I’m hearing.
But I also know that when Nico speaks, he means what he says.
This is incredible, life changing news.
‘Daddy! Really?’ I say, wanting to hear Nico say it again.
‘I will buy you a fifty percent stake in East Side Sugar,’ Nico says, a look of total love in his eyes. ‘If that makes you a happy baby boy, then that’s more than enough reason for me to do it.’
I’m so happy right now I can hardly speak.
But I’ve got just about enough of my senses to say the one thing that truly matters…
‘Daddy, thank you,’ I say, wrapping my arms around Nico even tighter. ‘I love you more than every single donut and cream pie in the whole world.’
‘Wow, now I know you mean it!’ Nico laughs. ‘And I love you too baby boy. I always have done, and I always will.’
I’m a lucky Little.
I’ve found my Forever Daddy, and now am soon to be partners in my own Forever Bakery too.
Chapter 16
The days following the Luca Conte assassination were pretty much what I’d expect.
As a general rule, it’s accepted in the business that a little bit of time off is okay when you’ve been through a hectic situation.