The warm milk…

It’s making me… sleepy…

I can’t open my… eyes… I might be…


‘Wait… was I… asleep?’ I say, slowly opening my eyes and seeing that I’m all tucked up under a blanket in the nap corner.

‘You sure were, baby boy,’ Nico says, his strong body lying next to me underneath the cover. ‘That milk hit you harder than ten shots of premium Russian vodka.’

‘Hehehe,’ I laugh, the memory of drifting off to sleep and feeling so safe and happy coming back to me. ‘How long have I been asleep for?’

‘Well, let’s just say it was long enough to fill that diaper of yours!’ Nico says, pulling the cover back to reveal a rather heavy diaper. ‘How about we get you freshened up?’

‘Yes, Daddy,’ I say, slightly shyly. ‘I think that might be a good idea.’

Without hesitating, Nico picks me up and takes me over to the changing mat.

Before I know what’s happening, my old diaper is off and my special place is being gently wiped and cleaned with the softest wipes known to humankind.

A quick dash of some powder later and my tush is fresh and clean as it’s ever been.

With a new diaper swiftly and expertly secured, I can’t help but feel that this has been the most perfect afternoon date possible.

It’s been so good that I’m almost getting sad thinking that it has to come to an end.

‘What’s up, baby boy?’ Nico says, noticing a pensive look on my face.

‘Daddy, I don’t want this date to end!’ I protest, kicking my heels on the floor. ‘Never-ever-ever!’

‘Ha, well you’re lucky,’ Nico says. ‘While we should probably leave here shortly, it doesn’t mean that the date has to end.’

‘It doesn’t?’ I reply.

‘No, of course not,’ Nico chuckles. ‘I’ve got a second apartment. It’s not too far from here. How about we go back there?’

‘Yay!’ I reply, my voice full of genuine excitement and joy that the fun times will continue.

But as excited as I am, I can’t help but feel nervous too.

Something tells me that mine and Nico’s relationship might be about to go to the next stage.

I want to go further with my Daddy, I really do.

But he’s so strong, and I know he does dangerous things sometimes.

I think I might be about to see another side of my Daddy – and even though I feel a bit scared, I’mall therefor it!

Chapter 8


My main apartment comes with all the luxury and refinement a man could ever wish for.

My crash pad? Not so much.

I keep my second apartment far more minimal.