It’s the place I keep when I need to stay hidden for a few days, keep the kind of low profile that sometimes is required after a serious job.

That being said, my crash pad does have some niceties…

‘Woo-hoo!’ Eddie says, bouncing up and down on the large bed in the open plan bedroom and living area. ‘This bed is super bouncy!’

‘Yup, sure is,’ I reply, finding it impossible not to smile at the sight of the boy enjoying himself so much. ‘Don’t ever lose that fun spirit boy. That’s Daddy’s orders.’

‘I won’t!’ Eddie says, bouncing off the bed and walking over toward me. ‘So… should I ask any questions about this place? Or is that more private Daddy business?’

‘Hmmmm,’ I say, not wanting to shut Eddie down but also knowing that there is a line that I still shouldn’t cross. ‘Let’s just say that this is my place for when I need to stay out of the limelight.’

‘Okay, that’s cool,’ Eddie says, respecting my boundaries in a mature, sensible way – the kind of response I would be way less likely to get from a younger Little. ‘But I do have one more question?’

‘Shoot,’ I say, raising my eyebrow, not sure where this is going.

‘Any treats in these cupboards? Eddie giggles, an expectant look in his eyes.

‘Funny you should say that,’ I reply, a glint in my eye. ‘Have a look for yourself, you might be surprised…’

I laugh as I watch Eddie dash over to the kitchen cupboards and open them up.

In my Mafia business, a little planning goes a long way – and that’s true for a Daddy treating his boy too.

‘Yay! My favorites!’ Eddie squeals with joy. ‘Thank you, Daddy!’

Eddie runs over toward me with a lollipop in one hand and a small box of fizzy candy in the other.

But both the lollipop and the candy are soon on the floor.

The second Eddie is close enough, I can’t hold my urges any longer.

Wrapping my arms around his soft waist, I bring Eddie in close and bow my head down so that our lips meet.

It’s electric from the second our lips touch – and I know that Eddie feels it too.

‘Daddy… tell me what to do,’ Eddie says, breathless as our lips separate after a magical first kiss. ‘I’ll doanythingyou tell me. I want to please you just how you dream of being pleased.’

‘First, I want you naked,’ I say, my Daddy Dom instincts kicking in. ‘I’m going to sit in the armchair over there and you’re going to give me a little show.’

‘Y-y-yes, Daddy,’ Eddie says, rapidly removing his clothes as I walk over to the armchair and begin to take my clothes off too.

I’m in nothing but my black Armani briefs.

I can see that the boy’s eyes are staring at the hard cock that’s fully awake and ready to be released from inside the confines of my briefs.

But first, I want to see the boy move his butt for me.

‘Crawl over to me,’ I say, taking a seat in the armchair. ‘I want you close. Then I want you to twerk those soft, jiggly cheeks for me. Make it so I can’t resist you. Bump and grind on the floor for me. Make your Daddy so horny he loses all control…’

Eddie doesn’t let me down.

I watch on with hungry eyes as my boy twerks and grinds for me.

I want to devour him.

I want to grab and bite his soft, luxurious body.

But I need to keep control for a little bit longer…