My hair lay in loose curls to the middle of my back, I decided to wear it down, and I loved the contrast of the silver curls. I applied my makeup, my eyes smoky and come hither, my lips outlined and filled. I didn’t normally wear lipstick, Zale didn’t like the taste of it, but tonight I needed the armor. I looked in the mirror, and even I had to admit I looked good.
I stood in front of my closet. I’d gone shopping several times with Bex and Willa, over the past two months, and I had a marvelous summer wardrobe. I fingered the fabrics lined up on hangers. So many pretty things. The new wardrobe had gone a long way toward increasing my self-confidence.
I pulled out my outfit for that night, a black, silky, sleeveless, one-piece pantsuit. It dipped into a deep vee between my breasts, thebodice followed the line of my bust and cinched in at the waist, the pants lightly gathered at the waist tapered down to my ankles. I questioned the use of the silver belt, but trusting in Rebecca’s better judgement, I put it on. I remembered buying it.
Bex, Willa and I had stormed the Milltown Mall. Milltown had changed a lot over the years and now catered to a vastly varied clientele, covering everyone from lawyers to bartenders, university students to professionals, creative types to the buttoned down, and the diversity was reflected in the eclectic mix of stores.
We found a new store, and we cleaned up. I stepped out of the changing room, smoothing my hands over the hips of the pantsuit. The material was beautiful. I twisted and turned in front of the mirror, examining my reflection from all angles.
“That suits you, Merry.” Willa nodded her approval. “I think you should get it.”
The fabric was soft and had stretch, it wasn’t tight, but followed the lines of my body, a little closer than I usually liked.
“I think I could wear this,” I thought aloud.
“I think you should!” Bex agreed. “But it’s missing something, hang on.”
She returned in moments, a sparkly silver belt in her hands. “Try this.”
She wrapped it around my waist, drawing more attention to that area. Willa’s eyes bugged out of her head.
“Amazing! You have to get this!”
I laughed. “Guys, it makes my ass look huge!”
Rebecca grinned. “I know, isn’t it great!”
Willa laughed, too. “Merry, really, you look sexy as hell. Zale will not want you to wear this out of the house but there is nothing cheap or tawdry about it. It showcases your figure perfectly. You have to get it!”
I peered at my reflection, smiled at my girls. “Okay, I’ll get it.”
“Woo Hoo!” Willa cheered.
Rebecca winked. “Don’t forget the belt.”
This was the first time I wore it. I smoothed my palms over the fabric at my hips, slipped on my strappy, high-heeled sandals, and went out to the living room where Zale sat on the couch waiting for me.
My high heels tapped out a staccato beat, announcing my arrival. Zale stopped flicking through channels and turned to look at me over his shoulder, a warm smile on his handsome face.
“Hi,” I tentatively offered as the smile fell off his face and his eyebrows hit his hairline.
He stood up but didn’t speak, his eyes busy traveling up and down. His facial expression didn’t change but he made a circle motion with his finger indicating he wanted me to turn around.
I did.
He groaned.
“Good or bad?” I smiled softly, his face telling me the truth but wanting to hear the words anyway.
“Good. Very good. Too good.” He moved toward me, reaching for my hips.
I stepped back.
His brows snapped down over his dark eyes. He dipped his chin, caught my gaze, his own communicating intently exactly how he felt about my retreat, and stepped toward me again.
I laughed, held up my hands. “No, no, no!”
He shook his head and moved in quickly. He caught me around the waist and dipped his knees, pulling me up against his body, then hauling me upwards as he straightened.