Page 116 of Crimson Flames

“Kids?” Cillian asks and Dr. K nods.

Boris walks in then with Kai right behind him. “What is it?”

“He left us a message. Let’s go see if he also could have left us a clue.”

By the time everyone has gotten together, my nerves are on edge. Ronan left us a video message, and I have this sinking feeling in my gut. Which is made worse when I receive a text from my friends, who I asked to check in on my mother.

Kia: Ness, you need to call me now.

Lyra: Code red.

I already know what they’re about to tell me, so I ignore it in favor of watching the tape with everyone. Kai insisted on being here, and he’s currently sitting by my side, holding my hand. Boris is behind me, and Cillian is on my other side.

Lev and Damien are at the computer calling in Evie and Alexi, who needed to stay in Russia for a few more days. Laney and her two men are in the room with us, standing guard at the door as ifthey could keep the information I’m about to receive out of this room.

When Lev glances my way, I nod.

Ronan is on the screen in his pristine office. He’s sitting relaxed in his chair with a knowing grin on his face. It makes me sick.

“Hello, my little doll. You know, I made you a promise. A vow, really. And since you are so dead set on denying me what I am owed, I decided to go all out with this one.”

He chuckles to himself before leaning forward to brace his forearms on his thighs as he stares in the camera.

“My recruits needed some field time to test a new skill. Their mission was fairly simple, but I decided to sweeten the pot. The one who could do what I asked in the most silent and talented way would receive specialprivileges.”

The way he smiles at the lens has me holding back the bile in my throat with a grimace. “After all, they are so similar to cattle. They have been raised with me; they know nothing of the world other than whatIhave told them. But do you want to know the best part?”

Sitting back, he adjusts his tie before clearing his throat. “You can’t save them. In fact, I would love to see you try. I have been hiding them in an orphanage in Amsterdam. Most have been with me since they were only three years old.”

Shaking his head, he swipes a hand over his face.

“You thought that this was new, but who do you think the idiot Adrik made the deal with? I was the one to show him how this could all work.”

He clenches his fists then relaxes them as if he needed to gain his composure again. “All I have to say is, good luck. These pathetic little creatures only know to rely on me and the wordsIpreach. No matter what you do, they will never trust you. Especially not the blonde one. She’s the one who snuck thepoison into your mother’s tea after all. She has no idea I asked her to kill an innocent person. But the best part is, she would never believe you, even if you told her.”

A collective gasp rings through the room as I try to put the pieces together.

“Remember, little doll. Nobody smart plays fair, and I am always watching you and the little family youthinkyou have found. Who knows, maybe that boy who sleeps under your roof is really just one of my recruits.”

The screen goes black, and a few faces turn to Kai. Before anyone can utter a word, I stand in front of him ready to fight.

“He isn’t with him,” I nearly shout in defense. My eyes dart to Evie on the screen. She looks confused, then I look to Cillian as he takes up a protective stance next to Kai and me.

“Nessy,” Damien says with his arms raised, “we trust Kai and we trust you. We were looking at him to see if he was okay.”

Some of the tension in my posture relaxes, but all of it fades when Kai grabs my shoulder. I turn and hug him instantly. He is my son, and I will stand between him and danger any day.

“I love you, Mom,” he confesses into my shoulder before pulling back. “I think I have seen you as my mother since the first day I met you.”

My eyes burn with tears that I refuse to let fall. Kai has seen me cry enough, and I want him to have the best memories from this moment.

“I love you too, Son.” My hand cups the side of his face as my thumb strokes his cheek. He may not be my blood, but his personality is the same as mine, his hair the same as Cillian’s, and his brain is all Boris. He is ours in every way.

“I never wanted children,” I admit freely, “But something in my heart told me you were mine the moment I saw you in my scope. I love you more than I will ever be able to describe. I knowthat in a few years, you’re going to laugh at how protective I can be. But if you’re safe, then I can give you everything.”

He smiles before chuckling at me. “I already laugh at how protective you are now.”

Cillian throws an arm around him. “Don’t worry, buddy. We do too.”