I set the backpack on the ground and unzipped it, my eyebrow rising as I immediately spotted a scrap of material no bigger than a hanky sitting on top. I drew it out on my index finger to reveal a pink, lacy thong. Naomi blushed. “She felt… you might need, and these are her words, ‘to put some sexy back in your life after being forced to wear those awful fatigues.’ ” A pink thong was indeed better than witch fatigues, and most definitely better than a demon jumpsuit.

“That sounds like Marcy,” I said, tossing it back in. The bag also contained all our identification, which Marcy would’ve taken from the Coven when she left. A new outfit for me—my usual spandex—and a set of new toothbrushes. I zipped it back up and led Naomi by the hand to a cute table and chairs with an umbrella on the balcony. “Is the sun hurting you?” I asked.

“Non,” she said. “In fact, it feels wonderful.” Her skin was a nice rosy pink and didn’t seem to be blistering too much.

“Okay,” I said, once we were situated at the table. “Fill me in. Let’s start with the Coven. What did you find out?”

“The manor was empty when I arrived,” she said. “I could not get very close, as the exterior was still spelled and warded, but I detected no sound or movement inside for the time I was there.”

“Damn,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck absentmindedly. “What did Marcy say when you returned to the office?”

“She was on the phone most of the time trying to track down her aunt and small cousin. Once she was finished, she had me gather some supplies and sent me here.”

“What about my father and my Pack?” I asked. “When did they leave for Florida?”

“They left a little less than three weeks ago. I was not included in any of the planning or events, so I have very few details to share. Marcy has been in touch with her mate throughout, but I do not know their exact location.” She leaned in. “I do not think Marcy knows either. He has kept it secret for fear she would break her promise and follow him there.”

I nodded. James would’ve had to be crafty, knowing full well Marcy would follow if she could find a way to shimmy out of her end of the deal. James knew the Made wolves would kill her instantly if given a chance, and he wouldn’t take that lightly. “Is the plane she booked ready to take us anywhere we wish?”

“I believe so, though Marcy said they would have to log a flight plan ahead of time, so she said, ‘Tell her to keep her pink undies on while they figure it out.’ ” I nodded. Marcy knew we’d plan to follow my father, and she’d likely told the pilot we would be going somewhere in south Florida when she booked him.

“I’m going to need you to do some more investigating for me, Naomi. Marcy said you had a knack for it and I believe it. It’s actually the perfect job for you.” She smiled and that made me happy. “The Made wolves and the fracture pack are someplace in the Everglades. It’s a huge area to cover, but I want you to try and find them. Start with the smallest city and go from there. The towns you’re going to be looking for won’t be on any regular maps, they’ll be more like homesteads. Search for lights and stay well out of the way, and don’t touch ground if you don’t have to. If you don’t have any luck, go to the nearest populace and try to inquire about any rumored voodoo in the area. There is an abundant amount of Haitian voodoo in Florida. The locals will know what you’re talking about, and if they give you blank stares, move to the next town. Once you have any information, or detect any supernatural activity, I want you to turn around and come back. Don’t go in alone. Meet us at the plane tomorrow regardless of what you find and we’ll go the rest of the way together.”

Her eyes sparked with adventure. “I will see it done. I hadn’t thought I would enjoy what humans call private investigating, but I am finding it quite adequate. Since I am a tracker by nature, this is, how do you say, right up my alley?”

I tossed my head back and laughed. “I’d say you’re finding it more than adequate, and I’m happy Marcy was smart enough to give you the job.”

Naomi stood. “I will leave now. The ferry ride tomorrow should take you approximately forty-five minutes. Once you are on the larger island, there will be a taxi waiting to take you to the landing strip. I will see you there, Ma Reine. Stay safe.”

I stood and grabbed her wrist before she could take off. “Wait, there’s one more thing I need to share with you before you go.”

“What is it?” she asked.

“I had to make a very tough decision while I was in the Underworld. You need to know Selene is alive and she and Ray are on her way back to this plane together.”

Naomi let out a small gasp. “I don’t understand. Why would you allow her to come back into our world?”

“There are so many things I have to share with you.” I gripped both her wrists. “And I understand you’ve put trust in me time and time again, and I’m asking you to do it again now. If I thought Selene could harm us, I would not have brought her back. I swear that to you. She’s lost all her magic and is essentially dead. The demons stole almost everything from her. Expect for one piece. For some unknown reason her soul won’t leave her body. She’s a walking shell of what she used to be, and because of that she needed to return with us.”

Naomi’s face was inscrutable. We hadn’t known each other for that long and it was hard to know what she was thinking.

She remained quiet as Rourke moved forward and added, “Listen, I know how you feel. Hearing that has to be a blow. I wanted her dead just like you. No more chances. I actually voted not to bring her back here, but Jessica is right, the demons tried and they couldn’t kill her. Something else is going on here and we’re going to have to wait and see how it all plays out whether we like it or not.”

“Naomi,” I said. “I’m putting you in charge of her incarceration. It will be up to you how long she needs to serve her time and what her punishment will be. We can talk about it later, but just because she’s coming back to this plane doesn’t mean she’s absolved of her crimes. She will pay for them, however and for however long you deem fit.”

“I understand what you’re both saying,” Naomi finally answered, her voice quiet. “I appreciate it, but it will take some time for me to adjust to this news. I’m certain I will come to see your viewpoints, but I’m finding it hard for my mind to grasp giving her a chance”—she shuddered—“for she has made my life so miserable for so many centuries.”