I reached out and embraced Naomi again, and she let me. “I know,” I whispered. “And I’m so sorry. The only answer I have is that I felt compelled to bring her back with us. She has a role to play yet. This road we’re on is going to be full of twists and turns, and some of them are going to be extremely hard—but I promise you, if she misbehaves, she will die. You have my oath.” I held Naomi at arm’s length and looked in her eyes. “Ray is likely the only supernatural in the universe who can truly end her life, which I find ironic since his life could’ve ended in her cave. And if it hadn’t been for you, we wouldn’t be here right now, because Ray would’ve died. There is something bigger than us at work here, and I believe bringing her back to this plane is the right choice for now. We will have to do our best and be patient as we see how this unfolds.”

As we separated, Naomi nodded. “Okay, I understand,” she said. “I can handle this. Thank you for preparing me. I will see you tomorrow morning and I will hopefully have news to share.”

“Travel safe,” I said. “And remember, I don’t want you to take any unnecessary risks.”

“I won’t. I will see you soon, Ma Reine.” She paced to the edge of the balcony and shot up into the sky. She went so fast, there was no worry that a human would see. If anything, they’d think it was a passing bird. And once they did a double take, she would be long gone.

Rourke came over and slid his arm around my waist. I leaned my head against his shoulder. “Do you think she’s going to be okay with all this?” I asked him.

“Jess, she’s a supernatural,” he said, kissing the top of my head. “She’s not a human. The things she’s seen in her lifetime would shatter most. She’s a fighter and that’s one of the main reasons why I like her.”

“I’m glad you like her, because I do too,” I replied. “She has the ability to turn on the badass when she needs it. And I actually can’t wait to see how Selene deals with that. Naomi will have her justice yet, and my guess is she just might enjoy it.”


Jess! Are you on this plane yet?

I shot straight up in bed, panting. Tyler? Is that you? I brought both my hands to my head and pressed, glancing at the clock next to my bedside. It was 3:47 a.m.

Yes, it’s me, he said impatiently. Where are you?

In the Bahamas, if you can believe it.

The Bahamas? We just landed about five minutes ago. How can you already be settled?

Rourke had risen beside me immediately. “Who is it? Is it your dad?” he asked.

I shook my head. “No, my brother. Apparently they just landed.”

I addressed Tyler. I have no idea why we arrived before you. The Underworld is freaky like that. Do you have your location yet?

Danny thinks we’re somewhere on the Shenandoah Mountain. But he only thinks that because one time he met a Virginia girl and she had the same flower smell in her hair. But we’re definitely in a forest of some kind. Very remote. We’re going to shift and run. I don’t smell people yet, but as soon as we do, we will figure it out.

If Tyler couldn’t scent any people they were very remote. Just keep running and head south. We’re on our way to the Everglades in the morning. You were right. Things have blown up with the Made wolves in our absence. The entire Pack is circling the Everglades trying to take them down. I haven’t been able to get ahold of Dad, but that’s not unusual for me. Have you tried?

No, I dialed you up first. Once I’m in my wolf form I should be able to contact him.

Sounds good, I said. Keep me informed.

Will do. Any word about the Hags or the witches?

“Where are they?” Rourke asked as he slid from the bed.

“Possibly in Virginia. I told them to meet us in Florida.” I slipped out of bed and slipped on a robe. No, I answered Tyler. The witches are indeed gone, but we don’t know where to yet. The entire Coven is empty. But Marcy—

The phone rang by my bedside, jarring me out of my conversation.

What is it? Tyler asked, sensing the shift in my thoughts. Is something wrong?

It’s just the phone, but I have to go. I’ll let you know where the plane lands tomorrow and we’ll rendezvous before we head in. I want us to have strength in numbers.

I’ll be in touch. He clicked off.

The phone rang twice more and I eased away from it. Something strange was coming off it.

“I’m not sure you should answer that,” Rourke said, meeting my gaze from across the room.

“I’m not planning on it,” I responded.

It stopped.

I walked around the bed and by the time I rounded the end it rang again.

We both turned to stare at it. “That phone is giving off a serious magic signature,” Rourke said as he approached it slowly, moving me out of the way. “It doesn’t feel like anything I’ve ever encountered before, and I’ve come in contact with almost every species of supernatural on the planet.” The moment he got close enough to answer the phone, it abruptly shut off. He glanced up at me, his eyes alight. “We are leaving here now.”

I wasn’t going to argue.

Scrambling to the other end of the room, I snatched up the backpack Naomi had brought and raced toward the bathroom. I yanked on the outfit Marcy had packed, sans the underwear in favor of the cotton pair I’d just bought. Rourke was on the phone with the front desk in the other room.

“I don’t care how much it’s going to cost me,” he yelled. “Yes, a fishing boat is just fine. We want to leave immediately. Yes, we’ll be there in four minutes.” He hung up right as I exited the bathroom. I finished tying my hair up in a ponytail and stood facing him. Thankfully I’d had a chance to shower and shave.

“They’re going to charter us a fishing boat,” he said. “The marina is on the other side of the island a little farther than the ferry dock.”

“I’m all set,” I said.

He made a frustrated noise as he slid into the white linen pants and the button-up shirt. “These clothes are a joke. I won’t be able to move in them.”

I walked up to him and adjusted his collar. “I think you look hot. You can pull off white linen extremely well. It makes you look island sexy.” I bit my lip, trying not to smile. The man looked unbelievable, but he had a point. The idea of trying to fight rabid wolves in white linen was enough to make me crack up. “Don’t worry.” I patted his chest, curbing my laughter. “Once we’re on the mainland, we’ll find you some appropriate fighting gear.”