Am I? I’ve been saying for months that she needs to be kept in our family’s apartment to stay safe. That we needed to shield her from the world and anyone or anything that could hurt her. That she couldn’t handle being on her own yet.

But now she proved that she can handle herself, that she’s brave and strong and willing to sacrifice herself to protect me.

The way I’ve done for her.

“No,” I finally say. “I’m not angry. I’m proud of you.”

Her voice is quiet. “Thank you.”

“But I’m also worried for you,” I add. “I don’t know if you understand what this will mean.”

“I have an idea. Don’t worry, I’m not watching the video to see how many views it has. And I won’t check articles about it. I’m sure people won’t believe my story, but we know it’s true. And maybe with my first-hand account, it’ll make enough of a difference to the movie production company to change their mind.”

“And Tristan–”

“We’ll deal with Tristan if we need to,” Lily says. “But it was my turn to protect you.”

My throat constricts, tight with a sudden wave of emotion. “Either way, thank you for trying to clear my name.”

“Anything for you,” she says. “You saved me. I love you.”

I swallow hard. “I love you, too. You, uh, stay safe, okay? We’ll talk later.”

“Sounds good.”

We hang up, and I sit back on the couch in a daze. My sister came forward. The truth is out there.

“Now what?” I ask out loud.

“We wait,” Isabelle replies. “Together.”

I look over at the perfect woman in my arm, filled with gratitude that she’s seen me this whole time. Even if no one else changes their opinion of me, at least I have her. And that’s all that matters.

“And in the meantime,” she adds, “let’s watch a movie.”




“Action!” calls the director. I’m standing on the side of the stage, watching the scene begin in front of me. Since I enter halfway through, I run my first line through my mind to embody my character: Holly, who was living in the big city for ten years before returning to her hometown and falling back in love with the man who stole her heart as a teenager. Cliché? Abso-flipping-lutely. Yet, it’s been my favorite role to act. Who knew I’d be such a sucker for these cheesy love stories?

The man from Holly’s hometown, Chase, is on the phone in his hardware shop, clearly distressed because he thinks Holly moved back home to the big city and his sister will never get the medical treatment she needs if he doesn’t get married by tomorrow. Don’t ask about the details. They’re not important.

“She’s gone, Mags,” he says. “I don’t think she’s coming back. I’m so sorry. I—” He clears his throat,overcome with emotion. “I wish there was more we could do for you. Thanks. Love you, too.”

The actor for Chase hangs up the phone, rubs his forehead with his hand, and that’s my cue to enter. I step through the set door to his shop, dressed in fitted jeans and cowgirl boots, my hands in my pockets. The bell above the door jingles, and Chase looks up.

His eyes are overcome with emotion, and I feel like he really believes this moment like I do. “Holly,” he whispers. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m back,” I say, a small smile on my face. “I tried to leave, but my heart pulled me back. I can’t be anywhere other than here in Apple Town.”

“Oh. So…it’s the town.” He swallows. “I’m sure Beckanne will be glad to see that you’re back.” He turns around, busying himself with something on the cash register.

I step closer to him until the counter is the only thing between us. “I hope so, but I’m not here for her.”

“Hmm?” he asks, not turning to see me.