She nods reluctantly. “I was trying to build a case against Tristan.”
She shakes her head slightly. “I’m so sorry, Adam. It didn’t work. It’s not getting the negative reaction I thought it would, and then Tristan published his own video, feigning ignorance and fake-apologizing for these women misinterpreting his intentions.” She squeezes my arm. “But I’ve already talked to my dad. I won’t do the movie with him. I don’t care what this does to my acting career. The truth—and you—matter more than getting ahead as an actress.”
I shake my head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you went through all of that for me.”
“It was for you, but it was also for those women. And to get some kind of justice against Tristan. I’m embarrassed that I thought it would work.”
I kiss the top of her head. “Just trying means more to me than you’ll know. And we’ll get you into acting, I know it.”
My phone buzzes in my hand again with a new text from Lily. It’s a YouTube video link. I click it, and upon reading the title, I start to panic.
Instead of a reporter, I see my little sister’s sweet face fill the screen. Isabelle gasps beside me. “I didn’t think she was going to say anything…”
“She can’t!” I exclaim. “The contract.”
Isabelle shakes her head. “Lily told me she never signed it. It’s invalid, at least on her end.”
I don’t even have a minute to process her words before Lily speaks on the screen.
“Hi, everyone. My name is Lily Stone, and I’m going to tell you the story of how Tristan Jackson ruined my life.”
I can’t tear my eyes from the screen as I watch my sister detail parts of the story I haven’t even heard. How Tristan met her at a party in Hollywood that she had attended with me when she was only seventeen. How he got her number and started texting her innocuously, then slowly started feeding her lines about how she was so special and different from all the other girls. That age meant nothing, and she was wise beyond her years. How he promised that she was the only one he’d ever love. With each claim, images from her phone appear on the screen, proof of these messages that he sent her.
My stomach tightens as I hear her give all these details that she never expressly told me. I didn’t want to know everything. Hearing it directly from her mouth, anger in her expression and voice, also fills me with pride that she’s now strong enough to express herself.
Her eyes shine with tears as she continues. “I was so dumb to believe him, but can you blame me? All I wanted was to be seen and feel special, like I mattered to someone. And Tristan filled that need, but not because he truly felt that way about me. It was because he knew that I was naive and weak and easily manipulated.”
She takes in a shaky breath and continues. “Anyway, right after I turned eighteen, Tristan told me he wanted to get married.” She leans toward the camera. “Yes. Married. And his plan was to take me away the night of the Goldies. I was at a different event with my other brother, Henry, when I got a frantic text from Tristan saying that Adam had punched him on the red carpet and we needed to leave earlier than expected. So I rushed out of the event and met up with him.” She pulls her long hair over her shoulder and fiddles with it. “We got to Vegas, and I thought we were going to get married right away,but he kept delaying for a few days, saying he wanted everything to be ‘perfect.’ What I didn’t know was that he was waiting for Adam to show up. And he did.”
She tosses her hair over her shoulder and continues. “Adam came for me, along with our brother Henry.” She shakes her head and laughs. “It was as if we were in a movie. Adam storms in, accusing Tristan of taking advantage of me to get back at him. The whole time, I’m crying and swearing that Tristan loves me, that he’s wrong, until my brothers proved he was right. By offering him a check in exchange for me.”
Her eyes flick upward, and I can tell she’s holding back tears. Isabelle’s hold on my arm tightens. I just want to reach through the screen and hold Lily close, telling her that she doesn’t need to do this. She doesn’t need to tell her story. She can stay safe where she is, and we’ll protect her forever.
But she looks back at the camera and speaks again. “I’ve never been so humiliated in my life. Tristan found the right person who would fall for his wiles, and preyed on my innocence and naivete. For what?” She leans in. “All Tristan wanted to do was get back at my brother for some past disagreement between them. I don’t even know what happened. For years, he’s been fooling everyone in the industry into thinking he’s Hollywood’s ‘golden boy,’ and that he can do no wrong. But I’m here to tell you that he can. And anyone who thinks Adam Stone is the problem needs to hear this side of the story. Adam signed an agreement to never speak about this because he wanted to keep me safe. But I never signed anything. And if telling the truth is going to clear Adam’s name, then I’m happy to do something for my big brother, who loves me more than anything in the world.” She hesitates with a smile. “Well, maybe not anymore.”
I chuckle, knowing she’s referring to Isabelle.
“I hope you’ll respect my right to privacy,” Lily continues oncamera. “But I know that’s not realistic to expect. I will not be responding to any requests for more information or interviews. Thank you for listening, and please share this video.”
The video ends.
“I can’t believe she did that,” Isabelle murmurs beside me.
I stare at the screen. “Me neither. But…I’m proud of her.”
Isabelle nods in agreement. “What are the comments saying?”
I click on the screen. “Lily turned comments off, which is probably a smart move.” I call Lily right away, and she answers.
“You watched it.” She’s not asking; she knows.
“I did.”
“Are you angry with me?”