“But what about you?” she presses. “This movie was supposed to be your return to acting. You need this role.”

She’s right. I know she is. But I can’t let her see how desperate I was to act again. “I’ll be fine.”

“No. We’re going to fight this. We’ll make sure everyone knows that Tristan is wrong.”

“He’s not wrong!” I cry out, stepping back from her. I gesture at my face. “You don’t even know what happened when I got this scar.”

She gives her head a tiny shake.

“I was drunk, Isabelle.” I laugh. “I was drunk, depressed out of my mind, and miserable that Tristan had ruined Lily. And I decided to drive my car down the mountain to see her.” I gesture out toward the window. “You know how treacherousthe drive is. Only an idiot would attempt to do it while intoxicated.”

“So you made a mistake,” Isabelle says. “We all do. But I think it’s pretty clear that you’ve learned to do better.”

“Is it?” I shake my head. “That’s who I am, can’t you see? I’m still that same man. I’m selfish and arrogant and?—”

“No, you’re not.” Isabelle takes my hands in hers. Her soft touch is enough to calm me down. “Someone who’s truly selfish and arrogant wouldn’t say those words about themselves. You’re a little rough around the edges, but we all are in our own ways.” She rests her gentle hands on my face, and I close my eyes, allowing myself a moment to revel in her touch on my cheeks. “You’re protective. Caring. A little aggressive and arrogant?—”

I snort a laugh, despite myself.

“But that’s just the exterior. In here,” she places one hand on my heart, “is a generous man who will do anything to keep his loved ones safe.”

She reaches up and kisses me softly. When she says these things, I can almost believe her words.


She pulls back. “You can fight this, Adam. We can fight this together.”

I shake my head at her. “I’ve lost the fight, Isabelle. I’m past redemption. But you’re not.” I hold her tightly around the waist with one arm, using my other hand to cradle her cheek. “You don’t need to drag yourself down with me. I’ve ruined my chance for the future, but I want you to go. Leave me and this place, and be happy.”

Her eyes glisten with tears. “I don’t want to act with Tristan,” she says. “I wanted to do the movie with you.”

Each word she says pierces into my heart. How far we’vecome from our first meeting, and how far we’re about to fall. But I put on a brave face, like the actor I am.

“Trust me, that’s what I wanted, too. But you can manage. In your career, you’ll have to act with plenty of people you don’t like. It’ll be good practice.” I lift the side of my mouth, the best attempt I can make at a smile. “I can’t wait to see how you do.”

“Won’t you come with me?” she pleads.

I shake my head, stroking her cheek with my thumb. “I’m done. There’s nothing left for me in LA. I’ll just stay here at the castle until I get my things in order, and then…I’ll have to figure out my plan for the future.”

“Maybe your brother will help you out,” she offers.

“Probably.” I don’t tell her that the idea of returning home with my tail between my legs makes me want to cringe. But maybe that’s part of the redemption I need. “You should go to bed.”

“I don’t want to,” she whispers. “Let’s just spend the night watching movies together. Our last few hours in a bubble.”

Her offer tugs at my heart, but I can’t. I need to sever the ties between us sooner rather than later.

I want to be with Isabelle. I’ve fallen for her—no, I’m in love with her. And I’ve never truly been in love before. But loving someone means sacrificing your own happiness for theirs. Isabelle will never be happy if she loses herself to protect me.

Life with her in the castle has been almost perfect. As much as I want to keep up this paradise, she deserves more. Isabelle deserves her time in the spotlight. She deserves the attention and praise that will come her way, as soon as she gets her opportunity to shine.

So I shake my head again. “I don’t want to keep you awake when you have to drive down the mountain tomorrow.” I kiss her forehead, lingering there and taking one last inhale of her soft skin. This is goodbye.

When I pull away, two tears are tracing down her cheeks. She opens her eyes, her wet lashes shining in the candlelight, and she has fire in her eyes. “I won’t give up, Adam.” She grabs me tightly, burying her head in my chest.

If I don’t leave now, I never will. I remove myself from her grasp and turn around before she can convince me to stay. My heart feels like it’s been ripped in two. First Tristan takes Lily, and now he takes Isabelle. But perhaps it’s what I deserve after everything I’ve done, selfishly ignoring my family for years. Who am I to think I deserve someone as kind, gentle, and compassionate as Isabelle?

She deserves more than me.