I look at Isabelle, whose guilty expression likely mimics mine. “We’ve been…busy,” I finally say.

“Whatever you’ve been doing isn’t as important as this. Tristan Jackson has been running a smear campaign against you. And now the production company wants to pull you from the movie.”

“Wait, which one of us?” Isabelle asks.

“Adam,” Jim replies.

My stomach sinks. I shouldn’t be surprised, but in truth, I didn’t think there was a possibility of me losing this role. Jim swore he had the production company’s confirmation.

Isabelle’s eyes turn wide as she meets my gaze. “What is Tristan saying?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” I say sharply. “That I’m unfit to act for a family-friendly network with my reputation.”

Isabelle’s expression turns to fury. “Dad? Is that true?”

We hear him huff a sigh through the speaker. “Yes. That’s exactly what he’s saying. Along with the mystery of Adam’s scar. Adam, you know I can’t spin that one in a positive way.”

“I’m aware,” I mutter.

“And without any information about why you punched him, I can’t spin that either,” Jim continues.

“Adam,” Isabelle says softly, her eyes on mine. “You have to come forward. What he’s doing now is a direct attack on you.”

I shake my head. “It’s in the contract. I can’t.”

“Isn’t this slander? Defamation of character?” Isabelle asks her dad.

“He’s not saying anything that isn’t true,” Jim answers. “He’s calling out your reputation, making himself look like a victim for being attacked at the Goldies, and saying that you’ve got the scars now to prove your bad reputation. Unfortunately, he caught the ear of the production company, and they want him instead.”

I clench my jaw. “So not only are they pulling me, but they wanthiminstead?”

“That’s what it looks like,” Jim answers.

Anger boils within me. This man has cost me my savings, ruined my sister’s life, and now he’s directly coming for me. Taking EVERY good thing that has ever happened to me—and now, that includes Isabelle.

And there’s nothing I can do about it.

I let out a frustrated sound, something like a growl, and hand Isabelle the phone. I start pacing around the ballroom; I can’t take part in this conversation anymore.

“Isabelle, you need to come home,” Jim says. “We need to at least show that you’re ready to do the movie.”

“I’m not doing it without Adam,” she says.

I turn back to Isabelle. “Yes, you are.”

“No, I’m not.” She doesn’t back down from my glare. “Not after what you’ve told me about Tristan.”

“What do you know about Tristan?” Jim interjects.

“Nothing!” I bark. “She knows nothing.” I narrow my eyes at her. “You swore you wouldn’t tell.”

She shakes her head. “I know. But this is going too far.”

“No!” I pace away from her, running a hand through my hair. “You will not ruin your own career and reputation for the sake of mine.” I walk back to her and grab the phone. “Jim, Isabelle will see you tomorrow. Thank you for the call.” I hang up before he can say anything else and hand the phone to Lionel. Taking her hands in mine, I look down at her. I take a steadying breath and soften my voice. “You are going to take the role. You will act with Tristan, and you’ll have your first big break.”

Her eyes are wet with unshed tears. She shakes her head. “No. I won’t do it. I can’t.”

“You can,” I insist. “You’re an incredible actress. I know you can do it. And it will all be worth it in the end.”