“Dove” Father Timmons says and I notice people moving around and I stand up holding Wiley carefully not to wake her “Are you ok?” he asks me and I nod

“I’m fine thankyou again”

“No problem, when are you getting this little one christened” he asks and I smile

“You know I don’t go to church Father”

“I have to ask its apart of the job dear” he says smiling making me smile

“I’ll think about it”

“You do that, take care and if you ever need help there’s always someone to listen at the church” I nod

“Thank you, Father,” I say as he walks past and I look at the hole again and notice that its mostly filled as men shovel dirt in one by one

“Hi” someone says and I turn seeing a woman holding a little girl in her arms and a little boy standing beside her

“Hi” I say as she looks down at Wiley

“She’s beautiful” she says and I look down at my sleeping niece

“She is, isn’t she”

“How old is she?”

“Three months” I tell her

“She’s so small.” I look at the little girl in her arms, she’s in a little pink dress and she’s sucking on her hand

“How old is she?” she smiles looking at the little girl

“She’s six months old”

“Wow, please tell me it gets easier” I ask still not sure how in the hell I’m even functioning with only a few hours’ sleep a night

“It does” she says smiling as Wiley stretches in my arms and I know she’ll be awake for something to eat soon “Niya” she says


“It was nice to meet you Dove”

“And you, thank you all for coming, I better get this one home” I tell her and she puts her hand on my arm

“No please, come back to the clubhouse, where going to have a wake for Jewel

“A wake” she nods

“Jewel was family, please come back.” I look around at the men “don’t worry honey they won’t do anything, like I said Jewel was family”

“I don’t know”

“Please” she says and I look at the little girl again the drool dripping down her hand making me smile

“Well, I could get some pointers about looking after this little one” I tell her and she smiles

“Good it’s settled, you’ll come back with us, do you know where the clubhouse is?” I shake my head “that’s ok, just follow us.” I nod as I walk down to my car and place Wiley in the back in her basket “You don’t have a seat?” she says scaring me and I bang my head on the roof

“Fuck!” I say rubbing my head and she smiles

“Shit sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” she says as I rub my head feeling a lump forming already

“No, I can’t afford one” I tell her and she frowns at me

“You can’t afford one” she repeats and I look down at Wiley to make sure she’s still asleep

“No, I haven’t started my job at the Strip club yet so, after my first pay check I can buy one” I tell her and she frowns at me

“You work at the Pink Slip?”

“Not yet, I start on Monday.” She frowns at me and I step back feeling judged but she smiles

“We’ll see you at the clubhouse, just follow us ok” I nod watching her go over to a van and getting in putting her daughter into a car seat as her son jumps in and pulls the seatbelt on.Chapter NineSocket

As I woke that morning my heart felt heavy, after Oki told me about Jewel I needed space. I rode for so fuckin’ long going nowhere in particular, but ended up at a little beach that the club go to. I sat for a long time thinking about Jewel and the way our relationship ended, the day I came home and found the note sitting on the table. I was fuckin’ pissed that she’d left like that, that fuckin’ pathetic note burned into my retina

Goodbye Socket, I hope you find what you’re looking for in life.

Love always Jewel xoxoI went through the whole house throwin’ everything of hers that she left behind out. The second she left it was over and I never wanted anything to do with her again and now here I was standin’ in front of her coffin. I watch all the Brothers stand beside me still feeling numb, it wasn’t until I looked up and seen the most beautiful fuckin’ women in the world across from me that my heart skipped a beat (fuck she’s gorgeous) my dick was hard in an instant, then I notice a baby in her arms and I look around to see if anyone was with her but she was all alone. I watched her the whole time as she sat there with the kid in her arms, she doesn’t cry, it’s not until Jewel’s coffin goes down and she looks down at the kid is when tears appear. Jewel never even told me she had a sister, she never wanted to talk about her family. The whole time we were together she never once even told me about her parents. I watch as Jewel’s sister rocks the kid in her arms, and as the coffin goes down and I realize (she’s really gone).