“I love sucking your cock to Socket” she tells me and I smile at her pulling her to me

“Well darlin’ you’re fuckin’ good at it that for damn sure” she smiles at me kissing my chest and I slap her ass “Move darlin’ gotta get ready for work.” She moves out of the way and I make my way into the shower.

When I walk into the kitchen I see Bunny and Oki sitting at the table and they both look up at me “I’ll see you later Oki” Bunny says walking out and I look at Oki

“What’s wrong with her?” I ask, but Oki just stares at me

“Brother, I need you to come and sit” he says and I see a worried look on his face


“Socket man, please” he says and I move over and sit on the other side of the table drinking my coffee

“What’s up?” he takes a deep breath

“Jewel’s dead man” he says and I shake my head not sure if he said what I thought he said

“Repeat that”

“Bunny just told me man, I’m so fuckin’ sorry” he says and I look towards the door that Bunny just left out of

“Oki what the fuck are you talking about?” he takes another deep breath

“Bunny hired a new girl yesterday and it turns out she’s Jewel’s sister, apparently Jewel was killed in a car accident last weekend”

“She’s dead?” I ask still not believing it, but he nods his head but I shake mine pulling out my phone and going to my contacts and dialling her number. It rings out and I ring again and again “Brother” Oki says but I still don’t believe it

“No man, it can’t be” I say

“Brother its true, the funerals next Saturday”


“Socket its true” he tells me turnin’ the paper in front of him and I look down seein’ a picture of Jewel in the obituary section and I stand up and walk out needing space and head to my bike.Chapter EightDove

As I look at myself in the mirror, I brush my hair out and take a deep breath. I’ve told my Mom that today was Simone’s funeral but she said she can’t make it, with the money Delores gave me I placed an ad in the paper so if any of Simone’s friends see it they might turn up. I’d hate to be the only person there. As I pull up to the cemetery I see the priest standing there, I get Wiley out of her basket and carry her up to the grave site. We’ve never been church people, but I went to the church and asked if he’d do the gravesite burial, he was happy to and for free thank goodness. As I get closer, I can see Simone’s coffin hovering over a large hole and I hold Wiley closer to me and smile at Father Timmons

“How are you this morning Dove dear?” he asks me and I nod not really feeling much today

“I’m fine thankyou Father” he motions for me to take a seat and I place Wiley on my lap looking around

“Are we waiting for anyone?” he asks me and I take one more look around than down at my watch, Eleven-Ten, obviously no one’s coming and I shake my head

“No, it doesn’t look like it” I tell him and he smiles

“Then we’ll start” just as Father Timmons opens his mouth the sound of thunder can be heard and I look up at the sky not seeing any clouds, the sound gets louder and louder and I turn and watch as bike after bike pulls into the cemetery and my heart skips a beat (The Devils Soldiers) It’s like time stops as I watch each of them walk closer and closer and I hold Wiley closer to me seeing Bunny the women who hired me from Pink Slip walk up

“Hey honey how are you?” she asks and I nod

“I’m fine, thank you for coming”

“Jewel was a great friend” she tells me and I wonder if she knows who Wiley’s father is

“Hey darlin’” a large black man says and I stand up as he holds out his hand and I move Wiley to my shoulder

“Hi” I say smiling as the rest of the men and women surround us

“Sorry to hear about Jewel” he says looking at the coffin

“Thankyou” I say feeling nervous surrounded by all of these bikers

“Let’s get started” Father Timmons says and I sit back down placing Wiley back on my lap

Wiley is so good throughout the whole service falling asleep half way through, I watch as all of the women come forward placing a rose on top of Simone’s coffin, then Father Timmons lowers my sister into the dark hole and I look down at her daughter. A tear slides down my cheek as I look at Wiley, feeling sad that she’ll never know her mother