Page 14 of Passion Restored


Liz’s back ached and her feet were going numb, but she figured that was just all in a day’s work. Thankfully, she was only working an eight-hour shift today since she was about to hit heavy overtime, and her boss would start yelling after that. And there was another nurse on call so they wouldn’t be shorthanded, but if the ER got too busy, Liz had a feeling she’d be called right back in, labor laws or no.

How the hell the place would run with one less nurse due to budget cutbacks, she didn’t know. They barely handled things as it was.

The sound of heels clicking on tile brought Liz out of her increasingly depressing thoughts, and she turned to watch Tessa make her way to the desk area. She held a stack of folders against her chest and had two to-go cups of coffee in her hands.

“You’re not usually down here this time of day,” Liz said as Tessa set down a cup in front of Liz. She greedily took the cup and sipped the sweet brew. The admin offices always had better coffee than the nurses’ station. Hell, they had better everything.

Even Tessa’s outfit was better than Liz’s scrubs could ever hope to be. Her friend wore a dark coal pencil skirt and a matching, tailored jacket with a maroon top. Even her shoes were cute and pointy and had a heel that Liz was pretty sure she’d break an ankle in. Liz’s orthopedics weren’t fancy, but they kept her feet from throbbing an hour in. Since she was on hour seven, she couldn’t really blame her arches for screaming right about then. It had been a long day, and she still had a bunch of paperwork to finish before she called it a night.

“I had a few things to talk over, so I figured I’d bring some coffee when I came,” Tessa explained. Her friend worked in the insurance department of the administrative offices. The dichotomy of her party-girl friend turning into the shark businesswoman who fought for the rights of her patients always made Liz smile. “Did you see Dr. Wilder today?” Tessa asked with a grin. “He’s looking all manly and on the good side of haggard.”

Liz almost snorted her drink and shook her head as she looked around to make sure no one was listening in. Thankfully, it was just the two of them since everyone was in their rooms actually doing work. Liz had a few moments to breathe before she had to move, but she was still making sure everything was logged into the computer correctly.

“What is the ‘good side of haggard?’” Liz asked, knowing she probably shouldn’t egg on Tessa. Nothing good ever came from that, other than a laugh or two. In the end, Liz usually ended up beet-red and trying to hide from embarrassment. According to Tessa, Liz needed more of that in her life. But that’s why they were friends.

Tessa rolled her eyes and gestured with her coffee. “You know, the five o’clock shadow and the way a man has to stretch because his lower back is hurting? It’s all you can do to keep from reaching out to help.” She wiggled her brows, and Liz let out a groan.

“You’re terrible, you know that?”

“True, but I’m not the only one thinking it. Lisa, of course, was saying it earlier in the break room, and with many dirty words involved.”

Liz held back her snarl as she took another sip. “I don’t even want to know.”

“Suit yourself. But you should probably know that she was also telling anyone who would listen that you’re having a secret love affair with a patient.” Fire came into Tessa’s eyes, and Liz wanted to bang her head against the computer screen.

“Are you serious?” Liz whispered. “It’s been how long since Owen came in, and he’s not even my patient anymore.”

“No, he’s just your neighbor. And, by the way, I didn’t say it was Owen. You’re the one who went there.” She smiled softly. “Is there something I should know? You were at his house awhile yesterday with those…cookies.”

Liz huffed out a breath and looked around again for anyone who loved gossip. Thankfully, they still had a few minutes. “Shut it. I was there for all of four minutes, and nothing happened. Nothing will. I don’t date guys like him.”

“First of all, you don’t date ever. And what do you mean ‘guys like him?’ Guys who have jobs, are sexy as hell, and clearly available from the way he kept looking at you?”

Liz pinched the bridge of her nose. “It hasn’t been that long since I went out on a date.” A lie. “And just because he looked at me like that doesn’t mean he’s single.” She paused. “Not that he looked at me in any way that implied interest. Because he wasn’t. Isn’t.”

Tessa laughed. “Way to confuse yourself right then, baby girl. Whatever you need to tell yourself…” Her phone beeped, and she crossed her eyes. “Okay, break is over. I need to go meet with a patient. Wish me luck.”

“Good luck,” Liz said under her breath, and Tessa sauntered off. She truly did not envy Tessa her job. But if anyone could make dealing with astronomical medical bills sympathetic, Tessa could do it. The other woman always did everything she could to make sure people weren’t taken advantage of. That couldn’t be said for some of the others in her line of work.

“Was that Tessa?” Lisa asked as she came up to the station, her eyes bright.

Liz nodded and drank down the last of her coffee before throwing the cup in recycling. “Yep.”

“I wish she’d thought to bring coffee for all of us,” Lisa complained. “It’s not fair that you get the good stuff while we have to drink the sludge.”

As Lisa usually got the fancy drinks from the barista next door for free because she smiled just right, Liz couldn’t really find any pity for the other woman. It was just coffee for freak’s sake.

“She only has two hands, and since Tessa’s my roommate, I guess I get some perks.” Liz shrugged, not in the mood to deal with the other woman. She used to have a longer fuse, but hell, Lisa had been annoying as hell about Owen ever since he’d come into the emergency room, and she honestly didn’t care anymore. As long as she did her job and made sure her patients had everything they needed, she’d be okay.

That’s all she could do, after all.

“I guess so,” Lisa mumbled. “So, have you seen your mystery patient recently? Owen Gallagher, right?”

Liz pinched the bridge of her nose. “I don’t know why I would, Lisa. He was just a patient, and you know we don’t talk about their procedures.”

“If you say so.” With that, Lisa sauntered off toward the break room, and Liz tried to compose herself once more.