There was no way in hell she would mention that Owen lived next door to her…all rumpled and grumpy that he wasn’t up to a hundred percent yet. Though, in reality, he was doing far better than she’d expected, considering he’d lost his spleen, had a fractured collarbone, and cracked and bruised ribs from the accident.
She didn’t know if they’d caught the guy who hit him yet, or if it had even truly been an accident. It wasn’t her business, and she hadn’t wanted to call in favors to ask about it. Not only would it be highly unethical, it would also draw attention to her that she didn’t want. She needed to keep this damn job since it was the only thing she had beyond Tessa.
And wasn’t that a sad thought.
Liz rolled her shoulders and looked at the board before picking up her things. A new patient had been put in one of her rooms when she’d been talking to Lisa, and since the orderly was now out of the way, she’d go in and see what needed to be done.
What she hadn’t expected was to recognize the man on the bed, a pained expression on his face.
“Murphy?” she said with a blink.
He winced and held up a bandaged hand. “Hey, Liz. Fancy meeting you here.”
She shook her head and made her way to his side. “What on earth did you do?”
“Got a little too close to a wall that decided it needed to come down right then. A piece of metal got me, and Graham sent me over here with one of the guys. I think I got the bleeding stopped, but since it took a while, I figured I might need stitches.”
She shook her head as she looked at the wound on his hand. “I’m glad the bleeding stopped for now, but I think the doctor will want to stitch you up for sure.” She wrapped his hand again and started his vitals. “You Gallaghers sure like coming into my ER.”
Murphy grinned, making him look far younger than his brothers. Of course, if she remembered right, he was the youngest. She just didn’t know his exact age. “We just like you, I guess. How’s the new house coming along?”
She shrugged as she worked, noting his pulse rate and BP. “Slowly. Okay, I’m going to get the doctor in here ASAP because I want to see what he has to say Is there anyone in the waiting room for you?” Had Owen somehow gotten himself there, sling and all? Not that she said that last part.
Murphy shook his head. “The guy had to drop me off since we’re behind at the job. Jake is on his way, though since he was at home working on a project.”
“He doesn’t work with you guys?” Why was she so chatty all of a sudden? Maybe she was too tired from her shift and losing it.
“Sometimes he does, but he’s actually an artist by trade. He built a whole studio in his house, though I think they’re building on even more now that they have Noah and three adults living in the place. Anyway, Graham called him and Owen to make sure the family knew I’d been an idiot with a falling wall, and since Owen can’t drive yet, Jake’s on his way.”
“It’s nice that you have so many people who care about you.” Liz at least had Tessa, but that was all she needed.
And maybe if she kept telling herself that, she might start to believe it fully one day.
“They’re all a little overprotective, but I can’t really blame them considering how I grew up.” He shrugged, but the look on his face right then didn’t make her want to ask him what exactly he was talking about.
She knew far too much about the Gallaghers as it was, and she needed to be careful. Not only to protect herself but also to protect her job. She couldn’t be too friendly with her patients, not when Lisa and Nancy were watching her like gossipy hawks.
“Well, I’ll get the doctor in here right away. How is your pain level right now?”
“I’ve had worse,” Murphy answered, and she had a feeling he wasn’t trying to be tough just then.
“How about you give me a number between one and ten about your pain. Just in case.”
“Like a four, I guess. It hurt when it happened, but now it’s just a dull throb.”
She nodded and noted that down. “I’ll be right back, okay? And if it’s not me, Jennifer is coming on shift soon and is taking over my patients. You’ll be in good hands.”
Murphy smiled then. “I’m not sure Owen would want me to be in your hands. Just saying.”
Someone cleared his or her throat at the edge of the curtain, and Liz mentally cursed herself for standing there too long.
“Yes, Lisa?” Liz asked as she turned to the other woman.
Lisa smiled brightly. “Oh, nothing, I was just letting you know that Jennifer is here. Go about your business.” She waved them off before practically skipping to the nurses’ station. Dear God, it was like high school all over again, and Liz had no way out.
“Did I get you in trouble?” Murphy asked, genuine concern in his voice.
“No, I think I did that all on my own,” she blurted without thinking. She let out a breath and went over his chart one more time. “Never mind. Okay, let me get the doctor for you, and Jennifer will be in, as well. You’re going to be fine, Murphy.”