I might have started the war the day I taunted her because she started rebelling.

For every project we worked on, she used to secretly work on her own project. And when I used to submit my work, she did too.

Archer was confused. Because he had two great projects to choose from. He saw potential in her.

So Archer decided to build up Creative Department II for Hannah to take over.

In just six months after joining the agency, she managed to get her own separate department. This upgrade earned her respect from everyone in the office.

While I admired her fighting spirit, I wasn’t going to rejoice in her victory. Because her victory was my failure.

Hannah went after my job. It was humiliating for me to face my colleagues.

I was proud of my work. Proud of my job as the Creative Director. But this woman created circumstances that divided this department into two.

Whenever I hear people mentioning KIM Advertising having two creative departments, it makes my blood boil.

My life was going great until that twenty-seven-year-old woman barged in and shook the pieces on my carefully planned chessboard.

You don’t deserve to be here, Hannah Cooper. This ismyterritory. Enjoy the days you have left in this company because sooner rather than later, Iwillkick you out of the agency.

This agency had only one Creative Director. That’s me. She has no place here. I will take what’s rightfully mine, by fair means or foul.

After all, everything is fair in love and business, princess.

Chapter Two

Itry to summon happy thoughts to get myself through this ordeal.

Ihaveto be here. It’s necessary to be a part of the celebration of your enemy’s success party.

In order to show them that you’re not a sore loser, you got to be present in their celebration even if it grates on your every last nerve.

My presence is needed here, I remind myself. If I appear threatened, my team—who is dependent on me to draw confidence in order to be in the enemy territory—would lose more than what we lost today.

This is why I have picked my best outfit for tonight. Brown lapel jumpsuit with long sleeves. I have them rolled up to my elbows. Four of the top buttons are undone with a tight belt wrapped around my waist.

Y-shaped chain falls between my breasts, glinting against the top of my breasts that are on display. I specifically chose diamond studs so they could glitter through my jaw-length hair.

I wanthimto know that being here doesn’t affect me in the least.

Raleigh Jackson thinks if he won this round, he is the champion.

I know I am dubbed as the Ice Queen by my rival’s team. I went to such lengths because I want them to fucking believe it.

I am a Queen and they better accept the fact that every time they knock me down, I’ll work ten times harder and hit back with fervor.

KIM Advertising has two creative departments. Yes, two.

Creative Department I and Creative Department II.

Raleigh Jackson is the head of Department I. And the head of Department II is yours truly.

Such was not the case a year ago when I joined the agency. KIM Advertising had only one department back then.

Some might think that Raleigh and my rivalry is the reason behind the animosity we have toward each other. But that isn’t it.

It all happened on my first day of work. I remember that awful day like it was yesterday….