Nothing has been the same since that incident six months ago. Today is my first day at KIM Advertising. This is a second chance life has given me. To live again.
I had worked as a creative director before but Archer had given me a position of an intern. But I was grateful I got the opportunity. It doesn’t matter that I have to start from the bottom all over again.
At this point, I am lucky to have found this job when no one wanted to hire me.
My new boss, Raleigh Jackson had glared at me openly since morning. Others were considerate to conceal their judgy eyes with a smile.
I felt out of place even in my mauve blazer dress.
I had little money left in my bank account. I had to go shopping yesterday because I know to appear confident, I have to invest in good attires.
I am working for LA’s most reputed Ad agency now, so I have to look the part.
But what good did the expensive dress and these black pumps do?
During the lunch break, I felt overwhelmingly lonely. So I decided to have lunch with my boyfriend, Andrew. I didn’t bother calling him as I knew he was home. He took the day off because of a mild fever.
Due to personal complications, I couldn’t meet him this week.
I picked up his favorite food for lunch and walked to his apartment. It was a fifteen-minute walk. I was sweating by the time I reached his building.
I avoided getting an uber because money is tight.
Nobody would guess by my appearance that I am neck-deep in debts and unpaid bills.
I was grateful when no one in the office recognized me. It is just a matter of time. People would take notice of who I am eventually. But by that time, I will erect walls so high and impenetrable that no one would dare to approach me to question.
I don’t need their snarky comments. I definitelydon’tneed their pity. It’s better I stay by myself in the work environment.
I am lucky I have Andrew by my side.
Apart from Archer, he is the only one who stood by me. Held me when my life had turned into a tragedy.
I use my key to enter his apartment.
When I lost my house, Andrew insisted on many occasions to move in with him. But with all the things happening, I didn’t want to be a burden on him.
But I couldn’t say no when he offered to help me find an apartment in a safe neighborhood.
I can be myself with Andrew. The world can judge me all they want. But the ones closest to me know who I really am.
For an outsider, I might look unapproachable with my forever resting bitch face. I also don’t open up with people that easily. But once I do, I lay my heart open for them.
Right now, all I want is to be in Andrew’s arms and forget about the world.
I walk down the narrow hallway and frown when my heels get tangled in a fabric.
I look down and find Andrew’s white shirt lying on the floor.
My stomach turns when I take a few more steps.
A silver strapped sandal lies ahead. A sandal which is not mine.
My heart stumbles and falls in my stomach when I hear a moan. I don’t have to walk ahead to know where the voice came from.
But I do. I straighten my spine. My quick and purposeful strides cut the distance between me and my destination—his bedroom.
My fingers tremble when I reach for the knob. I allow it. I allow my body to feel the pain and the heartbreak all for two seconds before I am gripping the knob.