“I know, I was just making sure, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to look, I just walked past and saw. Honey, sit down, please?”
I take a deep breath. I could walk out of the room, but that would be immature.
“Thank you,” she says when I take a seat. I push the plate of toast away, not hungry anymore.
“Does your brother know?”
“Know what?”
“About you and Jesse?”
“How do you know it’s Jesse?”
“Isn’t it?”
I look down. Mom puts her hand on mine and gives it a squeeze.
“I’m glad you’re being safe.”
“Mom,” I pull my hand back. My face burning.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about Nate, you’re almost twenty-one, I know you’re going to have sex at some point, even though you’ll always be my baby.”
I groan and cover my face. Mom laughs.
“He’s a nice boy.”
I keep my hands over my face so she can’t see my smile.
“Nate,” she pulls my hands away.
“Do you like him? You’re not just ‘hooking up’?”
“Yes. And god Mom, please don’t ever say that again.”
“He likes you.”
“You can tell?”
She nods, looking like Katie when she’s trying to suppress a squeal, and I realise how lucky I am to have at least two people in my life who are so invested in my happiness.
“Harrison’s going to go crazy, you’re not going to tell him are you?”
“No, that’s not my place, but you should.”
I slink down in my chair.
“It’ll be better if you talk to him before he finds out for himself.”
“Why would he find out?”
“You two aren’t exactly discreet.”
My face burns. “Did you hear…”
“No, though I knew you two were getting up tosomethingup there. Who comes over to study after a hockey game? I mean, it’sobvious you two are crazy about each other. The way he looks at you, it’s… well.”