“We have evidence to the contrary.”
“I’m Graceton Sykes, Detective.” One of the suits stepped forward with his hand out. “Lead attorney for the McArthur family. We’d like to see this so-called evidence.”
“You know the process,Counselor,” she emphasized his title. “He’ll be read his rights, then booked into the system. Once he’s processed, we’ll meet you in the interrogation room where I’ll be more than happy to show you whatever you want. Until then, step aside and let me do my job. Out of respect for your client's position in the community, we came here quietly this morning, but if you continue to push me, watch how fast the news vans line up for the show.”
That did it. The mere inference to a media storm had the congressman and his two-man legal team moving like a choreographed ballet, opening up a clear path between us and the now, not-so-cocky Chase. Shayne swirled a finger through the air, giving our predetermined sign to wrap this shit up, and she didn’t need to tell me twice.
“What the fuck?” he shouted, straightening from the wall, his head on a swivel searching for an escape route, as the two Huntington PD officers and I hit the top of the steps.
“Congressman, you might want to inform your son about the benefits of cooperation,” Waverly called over her shoulder, following behind me at a distance, yet still close enough to intervene if I went off script. “He looks a little unhinged at the moment and the consequences, should he try anything stupid, would not be favorable.”
“Is that a threat, Officer?” Congressman douchebag sneered.
“My apologies for the lack of introductions.” She spun,pulling her credentials out of her back pocket, flashing her federal badge. “I’m Resident Agent in Charge Waverly Mitchell.”
“Why is the FBI involved?” The man, Graceton, queried.
“It’s nothing personal.” She shrugged before giving him her back in the ultimate dismissal.
“Nothing personal?” Chase scoffed. “This is the lying bitch’s boyfriend.”
Playtime was over.
“Turn around. Hands on the wall. Feet spread apart,” I ordered.
“Fuck you.”
Duncan, who’d been about two feet behind me, shifted closer, but the move was unnecessary. I was in complete control of my emotions. Nothing the little fucker said would make me jeopardize the case by lashing out…at least not in front of so many witnesses.
“You’re not my type.”
Reaching out, I grabbed his left wrist. Using momentum and probably more force than was needed, I spun his body around until he slammed, face-first, against the front of the house with a satisfying grunt of pain. Pulling his other wrist behind his back, I held on to both in one hand as I reached for the set of cuffs the closest officer handed me. The sound of the metal teeth locking into place around his wrist was music to my ears. It also must’ve been the moment when the reality of the situation hit the bastard in my hold. He began to struggle and I grinned. I hadn’t double locked his shiny new bracelets yet, so the more he fought, the tighter they got.
Game on, motherfucker.
Pressing the full weight of my body up against his, Ileaned in close to his ear and whispered, “I warned you to stay away from Henley, asshole. Enjoy being Bubba’s bitch in lockup.”
The Huntington PD guys stepped forward, looping their arms underneath one of Chase’s with their hands coming to rest on his shoulder for maximum control. They began leading his more compliant form down the stone staircase with the four of us following behind.
“My team will have him out in an hour,” the senior McArthur scoffed.
Waverly stopped halfway down and pivoted on her high-heeled shoes. “A bit of advice here, Congressman. If you spent less energy trying to figure out ways to tax the good citizens of West Virginia for the air they breathe and more time focusing on your son, he might not be in handcuffs right now.”
“I’ll have your job for this.”
“Bigger assholes than you have tried and failed, but let me know how it works out for ya.” She winked.
We wouldn’t bother heading to the local precinct since our tiny part in getting justice for Henley was over the second I slapped the cuffs on his wrists. Shayne’s team had collected video footage of the attack the day before from two separate businesses who had cameras at their back doors, plus they were able to locate the man who scared Chase and his cronies off. Add in the recording Nelson recovered from Henley’s busted phone and their case was solid; a slam dunk.
Since Duncan drove, I climbed in the back seat of the government-issued SUV, wanting the space, and took out my cell. Both Waverly and Duncan’s began ringing simultaneously, but I tuned out everything except my girl.
Me: Hey, baby. It’s done.
Henley: You got him? He’s in jail?
Me: He’s on his way there, yes.
Henley: OMG I can’t believe it.