Page 55 of Haunted

Me: He’s looking at quite a few years behind bars, so believe it.

Henley: Thank you so much, Keaton. You have no idea what this means to me.

Me: I think a little celebration is in order.

Henley: What do you have in mind?

Me: There’s a bar and grill near my apartment called Sunset. We usually go there when we close a case, so how about you and Jade meet us there around six?

After yesterday, Shirley, the owner of Over Easy, had already given both girls the day off. Henley had been so worried about her friend; she begged me to drop her off on my way to the office this morning. She planned to hang out there most of the day anyway and after Koen’s extreme reaction to the petite brunette, I was curious to see if something was brewing between them.

Henley: Sounds great. We’ll see you then.

“Did you hear a damn thing she said, Keaton?” Duncan bellowed.


“Jesus fuck. Get your head out of your ass.”

“Our killer attempted to nab another young woman overnight in a truck stop fifteen miles outside of town.” Waverly turned sideways in her seat. “Fortunately, she was carrying a can of mace on her keychain and was able to get away with only a few minor bumps and bruises. Lanie and Koen are on the way to the hospital now to get her statement.”

“Where’s Noah?” I asked.

“We’re meeting him at the scene,” Duncan answered. “Once she sprayed him in the face, a couple truck drivers heard the commotion and came to her aid. Your boy took off on foot through the woods rather than jumping in his car. The state police have a dog on the ground tracking his scent.”

“So we have his vehicle which means we might get DNA.”

“And hopefully we’ll have some sort of description.” Waverly adjusted her seat belt, turning back around to face forward.

All thoughts of the previous hour left my head in a rush as a different sort of high took its place. It was always the same. Adrenaline surged through every cell in my body with the knowledge we were one step closer to taking him down; one step closer to snuffing out his twisted brand of fuckery before any more lives were destroyed.

“Where’s your head at, kid?”

“I’m not the same seventeen-year-old punk anymore, Duncan.”

“Never said you were. Doesn’t mean this case isn’t dredging up old memories. If you need an outlet, we’re here for you. No questions asked.”

“Appreciate it, but I’m good.”

“She’s good for you, Keaton,” Waverly spoke up. “Have you told Jasper and Heather about her?”

“I’m tryingnotto scare her off, thank you very much.”

“Yeah.” She chuckled. “Heather will have your wedding planned, complete with written vows before you have a chance to pick out a ring.” Silence fell through the vehicle. “Aw, fuck. You don’t have a ring already, do you?”

“I haven’t even told her I love her yet, Waverly.”

“That didn’t answer my question.”

“I don’t have a ring.”

“Thank God for small miracles.”


“Well, damn.”

Damn indeed.