“I love them!” Caleb looked over his new outfit, running a hand gingerly over the fabric. “I don’t think I’ve ever had clothes that are so nice before. They’re beautiful.” He looked directly into her eyes. “Thank you, Mia.”
He didn’t tell her this, but she was so good that she could work for any dress shop she wanted… even in New York. With the talent she had, he wondered why she had worked as a dancehall girl. He guessed that it must have been hard to find good jobs in New York.
He walked into the bedroom to get dressed, and the clothes fit him perfectly. How she knew his measurements, he had no idea. These were better clothes than any tailor could make. He slipped on his polished black shoes, combed his hair, and walked into the living room.
“My, my!” Mia looked him up and down. “Turn around,” she instructed, making a twirling motion with her finger. He did as she asked and turned slowly. When he faced her again, she beamed with satisfaction. “Yes.”
“How did you know my size… or the children’s?”
She let out a deep breath. “Well, the children, I measured. You? I had to guess at. But it looks as if I came pretty close.”
He crossed the room to her and held her at arm’s length, gazing into her eyes. “You couldn’t have guessed any better if you tried.” Without thinking about it, he pulled her close and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, again. You did a wonderful job.”
She pulled him in for a hug. “I’m glad you like it.”
Holding her in his arms felt a bit too good. He quickly dropped his arms and took a step back. “You’re wonderful. Tell me, is there anything you can’t do?”
She shrugged as a broad smile lit her lips. “Milk a cow?”
They both laughed.
“Well, we might be late if we don’t hurry,” Caleb said, slipping into his coat.
Mia helped the children on with their coats, and then slipped on her own. They were quickly getting in to a routine.
“And I’ll be the best dressed preacher in four counties!” Caleb reached for Mia’s hand and tucked it in his arm. “Thanks to you.”
Mia laughed, sounding like bells.
As he escorted his family outside to the buckboard, he couldn’t help but think of how perfect his life had become in such a short time, thanks to Mia.
Everything was wonderful, but he wondered how long it would last. He knew he couldn’t keep her waiting, but she seemed to be patient with him. She was smart, funny, caring, and loving with his children. No one was perfect, but she was as close as they come.
But the question was: could he learn to let go of the past… and let love in?
Chapter 15
Bright white snow covered the ground as they drove the team to the church.
“I know! Let’s sing a song,” Mia said as they rode along.
“Yeah!” Shane stood in the back of the buckboard, holding onto the seat. Hailey sat between Mia and Caleb in the front. “What do you want to sing?”
“How aboutOh My Darling, Clementine?” Mia asked.
“Yeah!” Shane and Hailey shouted in unison.
They sang at the top of their lungs all the way to church. Even Caleb joined in the fun. They sang a few verses, and before long, they pulled up to the beautiful stone church sitting in the snow. Mia noticed a river that flowed behind it. It was as if the stone church had just sprouted up out of the earth and then was covered in snow.
“I never noticed the river before.” Mia extended her hand and Caleb helped her out of the buckboard.
Caleb smiled. “That’s Whiskey River… the actual river that the town was named after.”
“Really?” Mia asked, intrigued. “I thought that the town was just named Whiskey River. Not that it was named after an actual river.”
Caleb scooped Hailey up into his arms and placed his hand on the small of Mia’s back as they headed toward the church, and Shane followed.