“Yes.” Caleb looked at the church with pride. “This church was the first permanent structure made in Whiskey River.”
Mia was about to ask how the river got the name, but then they were greeted by a few parishioners who were waiting for them.
“My, my!” Gabriella said, standing by Dirk as she took the family in. “Don’t you look nice today! Specially made outfits! Where did you get them?”
“Mia made them,” Caleb announced proudly. “Come to find out, she stayed up late every night this week making them. She surprised us with them this morning.”
“Wow!” Gabriella beamed. “You made these, Mia?”
Mia nodded happily.
Gabriella linked arms with her as they walked into the church. “You know, my friend Kenzie owns the new dress shop in town and is looking for a seamstress. I’m sure she’d love your designs, if you’re interested.”
Mia smiled. “I appreciate it, but I think I have my hands full right now. I’d love to meet her, though. Perhaps you both could come over for afternoon tea sometime?”
Gabriella nodded, a smile lighting her lips. “I’d like that.”
Mia walked with the children to the front pew and took her place. People began filing into the church, and women walked up to her and greeted her, talking about their latest recipes or styles, but they all commented on the family’s new outfits.
“Well, well!” Mrs. Jenkins gave Mia an air kiss over her cheek. “You all look marvelous! I love your outfits! Did you make them?”
Mia nodded, smiling.
“How’s everything going?”
Mia nodded. “Better.”
She gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m glad to hear it,” she said, and leaned in conspiratorially. “Remember what I said: you just need to be patient.”
Mia nodded, giving her a small smile. “Believe me, I’m trying.”
The elder woman grinned. “I’m glad. Well, if you need me for anything, just let me know.”
Mia patted her hand. “I’m fine now, but I’d love it if you’d come over just to visit sometime soon.”
“I’d like that,” she replied, and then they both noticed Caleb approaching the pulpit. “Well, it looks as if I need to take my seat. I’ll talk to you after the service.”
“Sit with us,” Mia coaxed, scooting over.
Mrs. Jenkins shook her head. “Oh, I couldn’t.”
A broad grin spread across Mia’s face. “I insist.”
“Well, if you insist.” She shrugged and she and Mia laughed at the same time.
Mia loved having Mrs. Jenkins sit beside her and the children during the service. She hadn’t been a part of a family in a long time. But the people of Whiskey River had created a family of their own.
Caleb gave a wonderful sermon and Gabriella sang beautifully as she led the church in song. Mia was impressed. She could be a professional singer somewhere in Europe if she had wanted to, but here she was, happy as a lark in Whiskey River. It said a lot for the town.
Mia loved watching Caleb capture the attention of the congregation. But most of all, she loved seeing his love of God so prominent in his sermon. Watching Caleb and hearing his sermon actually inspired her to be better… to be a better person. Something stirred inside of her as she watched him, seeing him in a new light.
After the service, she took the children to the Recreation Hall and set to work organizing everything right away. It was much easier this time since she knew what was expected of her.
The band started playing as women brought in their specialties, each greeting Mia as they set their dishes where she directed them. This time, she felt like she belonged. She no longer felt like an outsider, struggling to fit in, although she didn’t realize that she had felt that way before until now. Mia was sure that the more she did this, the easier it would become.
“Excuse me,” Caleb said behind her as he took her hand. “But could I borrow my wife for a bit?”
Her heart fluttered at his words as the ladies around her giggled. It was the first time that he had referred to her as his wife, and it hadn’t escaped her notice.