“Wee!” Shane yelled as he ran into the room in his long underwear, skidding across the hardwood floor in his socks.

“What in the world?” Caleb asked, placing his hands on his hips. “You can’t run around here in your underwear! There’s a lady present!” He looked over at Mia and blushed.

“Come along, little man. Let’s get you dressed.” Mia chuckled as she took his hand and guided him into the bedroom.

Caleb shook his head, laughing. As he headed out to the barn, he laughed aloud at the memory of Mia screaming at the top of her lungs when she saw the dead chicken in the sink. His new wife really was full of surprises.

Chapter 11


Mia shook her head as she walked toward the bedroom. “Now, let’s get some clothes on you, young man.” She rummaged through the chest of drawers and pulled out a matching outfit. To her surprise, Shane didn’t try to run away this time, and he didn’t give her a hard time.

Mia slipped his shirt over his head. “I’m sorry… Mia.”

She looked into his eyes. “What for? I know running into the kitchen in your underwear wasn’t the best choice, but—”

“No, I meant… I’m sorry.” A worried look appeared in his eyes.

Mia wrapped her arm around his shoulder as her heart swelled, touched by the admission. “It’s okay. I understand.” She stroked the hair away from his face. “Hey! I have an idea. You want to help me make pancakes?”

Shane nodded vigorously, smiling. “Let’s go!”

Hailey stirred and then sat up. When she opened her eyes and saw Mia and Shane sitting on the bed, she immediately held her arms out to Mia. When she scooped her up, Hailey laid her head on her shoulder. “Not quite awake yet, baby girl?”

She shook her head.

“Hailey! Guess what? We’re going to make pancakes with Mia!” Shane’s eyes were wide. “Wanna help?”

Hailey’s face brightened as she nodded. Then, she shoved her thumb into her mouth and laid her head on Mia’s shoulder.

“Shane, why don’t you go play and we can make pancakes in a bit?” She stood while she rubbed Hailey’s back. “Is that okay?”

Shane let out a deep breath. “Will you let me know when you’re ready?”

“Of course.” Mia smiled as she ruffled his hair. “Thanks, buddy. It won’t be long.”

He nodded, and then started playing with his soldiers on the bedroom floor.

Mia carried Hailey into the living room and sat with her on the rocking chair. Hailey curled up on her lap, and Mia rocked her back and forth as she stroked her hair.

“Sing,” Hailey said.


“Sing me a song,” she said, looking up at her with hopeful eyes.

“All right,” she said, and then began singing theCradle Song, Brahms’ Lullaby,as she rocked her back and forth.

Mia rocked her for a while, and soon, Hailey struggled to get down.

“Let’s get you dressed now.”

Mia picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. Then she dressed her in a pretty blue dress and brushed her long dark blonde hair. She also checked her cuts, and they were healing nicely. She only had two—one on her arm and another on her leg. Relief washed over Mia as guilt filled her chest about the incident.

After Hailey scampered off, Mia turned to Shane, still playing quietly on the floor. “Okay, Shane. Would you and Hailey like to help me make pancakes?”

“Yippee!” Shane ran out the door toward the kitchen as quickly as his little feet could carry him.