“Want to help?” Mia asked Hailey.
She nodded, and Mia took her hand and led her into the kitchen.
Mia pulled a chair up to the counter and stood Hailey on it. “Now, hold on and be careful,” she instructed.
The little girl nodded, holding onto the back of the chair. Mia got out a bowl, the flour, and the other ingredients needed to make pancakes. Before he went outside, Caleb had brought up some milk from the root cellar for the children, so she used some for the pancakes.
She let the children stir the batter, but when it came time to pour it onto the hot cast-iron skillet, Mia did that. A few minutes later, a few of the pancakes were finished and laying on a plate.
A few minutes later, Mia heard a carriage pull up outside, and voices coming from the back. Mrs. Jenkins was talking to Caleb. A few minutes later, she walked in the back door, carrying a small recipe book.
“Hello, Mrs. Jenkins,” Mia said, flanked by the children who were a safe distance from the stove. “You’re just in time. We’re making pancakes. Would you like some?”
“Well, maybe just one.” Mrs. Jenkins sat down and laid the recipe book on the table. “It looks like you have some great helpers this morning.”
Mia smiled. “Yes, they wanted to help.”
“We’re making pancakes!” Shane announced excitedly.
Mrs. Jenkins laughed. “I see that! And you seem to be doing a good job of it, too.”
Shane smiled, and then went back to supervising the pancake making.
When the last pancake was laid on the plate, Mia helped Hailey down from the chair and then carried the plate of pancakes to the table. The children helped, and together, theyset the table. Then, she set the children in their chairs, and called for Caleb.
“Well, it smells great in here,” he said as he walked in. The children were beaming.
Caleb headed into the bedroom and came out cleaned up and wearing a clean shirt. Then he sat at the head of the table.
He said a wonderful blessing over the meal, and thanked God for the good company of Mrs. Jenkins, as well.
As Mia listened, she smiled as pride welled up in her chest. When Caleb finished, she placed a pancake on each of the children’s plates and passed the rest around.
“Wow! Everything looks wonderful!” Caleb stabbed a pancake and slid it onto his plate, and then poured maple syrup over the top. “Thank you, Mia.”
Mia smiled proudly. “It wasn’t just me. The children helped.”
“Really?” he asked as he looked at the children.
Shane nodded vigorously. “I dumped everything in, and Hailey and I took turns stirring.”
Caleb nodded his approval as he took a bite. “Well, you all did a wonderful job. It’s delicious.” Then, he turned to Mia. “We haven’t had pancakes for a while.”
Mia grinned, happy that she had done at least one thing right.
“I agree,” Mrs. Jenkins added. “You all make a great team.”
“Thank you.” Mia reached over and gave Shane’s hand a squeeze. “The children really are great helpers.”
“I can’t stay long today, and I won’t be over tomorrow.” Mrs. Jenkins took another bite of her pancake. “Ella Hill isn’t feeling well, so I thought I’d go over and lend a hand.”
Mia’s face fell. “How is she doing?”
Mrs. Jenkins sighed. “She’s fine, but it’s difficult caring for twins while she’s still healing. Colton is doing all he can, but he has work to do.”
Mia set down her fork as her stomach tightened. “If there’s anything I can do—”
Mrs. Jenkins laughed. “Well, it looks as if you have your hands full here with these little ones.”