Colton nodded. “Yes, but he might be called away at any moment.”

Just then, the waiter returned with three cups of coffee and two glasses of lemonade.

“If you don’t mind,” Colton interjected, “I need two orders of pancakes to go. My wife just had twins and I need to get back to her.”

The man’s eyes brightened. “Well, congratulations! Right away, sir.” Then he turned to Mia and Caleb. “And for you?”

“I’ll have the same.” Caleb closed his menu.

Shane repeated his father’s actions, laying his menu down. “Me, too.”

One corner of Caleb’s lips curled into a smile. “Bring one for my daughter, too.”

“I’ll have the same,” Mia quickly interjected before Caleb could order for her. “If you could please make his order first, though, it would be a big help.” She nodded toward Colton.

The waiter nodded. “Right away, ma’am.” Then he hurried away.

“Thanks for that.” Colton took a sip of his coffee and swallowed. “I don’t want to leave Ella alone for too long.”

Caleb took a sip of his coffee and swallowed. “If you like, we can help you bring Ella and the babies back.” Steam rose from his coffee cup as he wrapped his hand around it.

“I would appreciate that, reverend.” Colton smiled. “I’m not sure how we would manage with two newborn babies alone in a buckboard in this snow.”

“Is she well enough to travel?” A crease formed between Mia’s eyes. “We can always come back to help when she’s ready.” The scent of fresh coffee wafted toward her as she lifted it to her lips. The delicious hot liquid rushed down her throat, instantly warming her.

Colton shook his head. “No, we’ll have to go back today. I have some cash with me, but I wasn’t planning on staying here for long.”

Caleb nodded. “Well then, breakfast is on me.”

Colton’s head snapped up, his eyes wide. “Now, preacher. I can’t let you do that.”

“No, it’s the least we could do after all you’ve done for us.” A broad grin spread across his lips. “Besides, we’re celebrating the birth of your children!”

“Yes, we are.” Colton lifted his coffee up and Caleb touched his cup against his, the clinking sound resonating in the small space.

Just then, the waiter approached with a small box. “Here you go, mister. That’ll be—”

“Put it on our tab,” Caleb cut him off.

“As you wish.” The waiter nodded to Caleb. “Your meals will be ready in just a minute.” Then he hurried to the front of the restaurant where a lady was waiting alone.

Colton shifted the box to one arm and offered his hand to Caleb. “Thanks, preacher. You didn’t have to do that.”

“Yes, Colton, I did.” Caleb stood and shook his hand. “We’ll be over just as soon as we finish eating.”

“See you then.” Colton tipped his hat to Mia. “Ma’am.”

Mia nodded. “Give Ella my best and tell her I can’t wait to see her and the babies.”

Deep down, she wondered if she would ever have a baby, too. But with the arrangement that she and Caleb had, it was unlikely. She would have to be content with mothering Shane and Hailey, and being a surrogate aunt to Ella and Colton’s children.

A broad grin spread across Colton’s lips. “I will.” Then with one last nod, he headed out the door. He had so much pep in his step it was clear that he was over the moon about the births of his children.

“Did you sleep well last night?” Mia asked innocently, taking a sip of her coffee.

“Tolerably.” Caleb wrapped his hands around his coffee cup. He lifted an eyebrow as he looked into her eyes, causing her heart to flutter at just the simple gesture. By the way her body was reacting to this man, she was going to have a hard time trying to abide by Caleb’s wishes to keep their relationship platonic. “And you?”

“Tolerably.” She took a sip of her coffee to hide what she was feeling. Despite being completely exhausted, she had tossed and turned the whole night, thinking of Caleb.