Caleb laughed as he went back to milking the cow. He was surprised that he almost kissed her. They had been married for a couple weeks now, but he still wasn’t ready. But maybe he was closer. He laughed to himself as he thought of Mia. And, for once, he didn’t feel guilty.
When he finished, he took two buckets of milk inside and carried them to the sink, where he would pour it into clean bottles.
The children were sitting at the table while Mia was fixing something on the stove.
“What’s that?” he asked as he pulled some clean glass bottles out from a nearby cabinet and started filling them with the milk.
“French toast!” Mia said happily. “You’re just in time. I need some milk.”
“French toast! French toast!” Shane and Hailey chanted in unison, bouncing on their seats.
“Have you ever had it before?” she asked as she cracked two eggs into a bowl, added milk, and then dipped a slice of bread into it and laid it in a hot skillet.
Caleb raised his eyebrows. “No, I can’t say as I have.”
Mia smiled happily. “Well, then! You’re in for a treat!”
“How do you fix it?” Caleb looked over her shoulder, watching as she demonstrated.
She flipped over a piece in the skillet, and it was golden brown. “After you fry it, then you put it on a plate and add syrup, like pancakes.” Mia took a slice out and laid it gently on a plate. Then, she repeated the process, dipping the bread into the egg and milk mixture and laying it in the hot oil.
“You really are full of surprises, aren’t you?” Caleb asked as he went back to pouring the milk.
“You just wait,” Mia teased as she plopped another slice onto a plate, drizzled them with syrup, and set them in front of the two children. Then, she cut them up into little squares for them so it would be easier for them to eat.
Caleb watched her, touched. “Let’s wait for the verdict.”
“Yummy!” Shane shouted happily, quickly swallowing another piece.
“Hey now! Make sure to chew it first!” Mia laid another piece of egg-soaked bread into the hot oil and looked over her shoulder at Caleb, holding the spatula. “See? I told you so!”
“Yummy!” Hailey opened her mouth wide and shoved in another piece.
Something stirred inside of him as he watched Mia with his children. She was loving, caring, and beautiful… everything he could ever want. This shouldn’t be so difficult.
“Okay, now it’s your turn!” Mia set a plate with two pieces of French toast in front of him.
All eyes were suddenly on him. “Oh-kay,” he said, dragging out the word, making a big show of sitting down to try it. Thechildren were waiting with wide eyes as Mia smiled, waiting with spatula in hand. He slathered some syrup over it and then took a bite. His expression changed from skepticism to delight as he chewed. “This is delicious!”
“Yeah!” the children clapped excitedly.
He had no idea how breakfast became such an event, but he loved it. “Mia, you need to sit down and eat, too.”
“I will in a minute—”
“Come on….” He rose from his seat and guided her to her chair at the table. “Now, here.” He set a plate with two slices of French toast in front of her and slid the syrup over to her. Then, he looked at the stove. “What have I done?”
Mia laughed and got up from her seat. “I’ll get it.”
“No, no,” he said, pointing the spatula at her. “We have enough. That is, unless someone wants more?”
“Me!” Shane yelled.
“I do! I do!” Hailey yelled, bouncing on her seat.
Mia arched an eyebrow. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”
Caleb’s eyes widened. “No, no,” he said as he turned toward the stove. He dipped the bread in the egg and milk mixture like he watched Mia do, and then placed it in the hot, oiled pan as she had taught him. A few minutes later, he had the hang of it and made more for everyone.