Mia took a bite, moaning in pleasure. “So, Caleb, tell me honestly. Would you rather cook breakfast or milk a cow?”
He chuckled. “I can’t lie?”
She laughed, shaking her head.
“I’m not going to answer that.” Caleb sat down and drizzled syrup over two more slices of French toast and took a bite. “This is delicious!”
“That’s what I thought,” she said as she rose from her seat and put the buckets of water on the stove to boil.
After he finished the last bite, he got up and carried his plate to the sink. Then, he casually kissed the top of her head as he finished chewing. “Well, I’ll be out on the farm… doing chores… if you need me….” he teased, backing out the door.
Mia stood frozen, watching him go with a stunned look on her face.
He spent most of the afternoon thinking of the family time they had together at breakfast and vowed that they should do it more often. Yes, every morning should be family time before they went on with their day. Then his thoughts traveled to the kiss. But, then again, it was just a friendly kiss on the top of her head, which he did out of reflex. There was no doubt about it. Mia was now a part of the family, whether he realized it or not. For a moment, he wondered what it would be like without her… and it was unimaginable. Since her arrival, she had brought much needed sunshine back into their lives.
Nothing more was said about the kiss, but the rest of the week was wonderful. They had family time at breakfast every morning, and then Mia stayed up late at night. He worried that she wasn’t resting enough, but she seemed to be fine. In fact, lately she appeared to be excited about something, although he had no idea what it could be.
On Sunday morning, Caleb woke early. He slipped on his usual jeans and a white button-down shirt but didn’t bother to slip on shoes. He loved Sunday mornings, the quiet before the hustle and bustle of preparing for church. Caleb rubbed his hands together, and then placed some more wood on the fire. But when he turned around, Mia was sitting in the rocking chair, asleep with a wad of fabric curled up on her lap.
He loved watching her sleep. She was so beautiful, and it was reflected in her features as she slept. He sat watching her for a few minutes, and, this time, he didn’t feel guilty. After a time, he went into the kitchen and made some coffee. When it wasfinished, he made a cup for them both, and then headed back into the living room.
“Mia,” he whispered in a sing-song voice, not wanting to scare her. “Mia, wake up.” He held the coffee in front of her, letting the scent waft toward her. “Mia, wake up.”
She opened her eyes and looked straight at Caleb and smiled. Then, her eyes flew open wide. “Oh, my goodness! How long have I been asleep?” She jumped and almost spilled the coffee, but Caleb leaned back just in time.
“It’s okay. The kids are still asleep,” Caleb whispered. “Here. I made you some coffee.”
She smiled as she took a sip. “Umm… it’s just how I like it, two sugars with cream.”
Caleb grinned, pushing a loose strand of hair away from her face. “What are you working on?”
“Oh, nothing,” she said, putting it aside. “Let’s go out to the kitchen. Are you hungry?” Mia got up, and Caleb followed her to the table.
One corner of his lips curled into a smile. He thought she was hiding something but decided to let it go. “I really don’t think we have enough time. We’ll have to start getting ready in a few minutes.”
Ella sat at the table, but she was antsy. She took a sip of her coffee, and then said, “Well! I’m going to start getting ready. I’ll be out in a bit.”
A crease formed between Caleb’s eyes, knowing that she was up to something, but had no idea what it was. Instead, he slipped on his boots and coat, and quickly gathered the eggs and milked the cow. When he came back in, his jaw dropped. She and the children were standing in the living room, all dressed in new clothes. Hailey and Mia had on matching medium blue dresses, and Hailey had a matching blue ribbon tied in her high ponytail.Shane wore the same color shirt, a dark gray vest with a silk back, and matching trousers.
“My goodness!” Caleb said as he walked in. “Where in the world… how did you….”
“I made them,” Mia beamed, enjoying his reaction. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”
Caleb’s mouth dropped in disbelief. “When did you have the time?”
“This was what I’ve been working on when I was staying up late.” Mia shrugged, smiling. “I made you an outfit that matches Shane’s, too.”
Caleb smiled. “Wow! You all look wonderful!” He walked over to Mia and gave her a big hug. “Thank you. The kids have been needing clothes, but I….” He was about to say that he was going to buy store-bought clothes but hadn’t had the time. Also, Jessica was the one who had made their clothes in the past.
“You really like them?” Mia asked, beaming.
Caleb nodded. “You look beautiful… all of you.” Then, he looked around the room for his clothes. “So, where are my clothes and I’ll get dressed?”
Mia held them up.
“Mia! These are better than any store-bought clothes!”
“You like them?” she asked, excited.