She wore a long navy jacket over a skirt and white blouse, with tall boots. And her long hair captured in that damnable bun. Draped over her arm, the coat I’d asked Sofia to bring to the airport.
Samantha’s eyes were wide. What was the matter? Was there danger somewhere? No, danger would cause Samantha to run toward it, not freeze in place. Then her brows pulled down.
Kayla said something, but the words were lost to the air. Samantha’s eyes were not on me. They were on Kayla. I leaned in front of her and waved at Samantha, blowing her a kiss as I straightened.
She rolled her eyes.Cheesy, she’d be thinking. But the corner of her mouth had quirked up.
I checked the woman on the step below me and slipped between the edge of the escalator and her bag. Jostled with a suitcase on the next step. Excused myself to a man on the next. Bracing my hands on either handrail, I launched over the next bag, almost losing my duffel in the process.
I looked up, and Samantha was biting back a smile.
Weaving my way between people, apologizing over and over, I ignored the turn to baggage claim and hurried out of the secure area to meet her.
I stopped directly in front of her, dropping my bag without a care. Her beautiful eyes, blue-green and shining like the waters of the Aegean Sea, her luscious lips, the strong body hidden under her coat. The growing smile.
She stared up at me, the few inches I stood taller than her, her eyes not quite focusing. “Welco—”
I grabbed her face between my hands and took her mouth with mine. Her lips parted, but her tongue didn’t move, her whole body rigid. She hated public displays of affection. Any other day, I’d only tease. But today? After being apart for so long? Wrapping one arm around her, I pulled her close. I had my love back in my arms and that was all that mattered in the world.
She gradually softened, responding to my touch, and her tongue swept across mine. Running her fingers through the short hair above my ear, she sighed, sending shock waves through every inch of my body.
Throwing the other arm around her, I leaned back, pulling her into the air. She broke from the kiss to laugh. As I put her down, we rested our foreheads together, our smiles beyond control.
I kissed her nose quickly. “My arms are complete again with you inside them, bella.”
She chuckled, rolling her eyes. “You’re so cheesy.”
“And yet so wonderful, sì?” I breathed in deeply, taking in her lovely citrus scent. “Would you believe I feel nervous?”
I touched my lips to hers. So soft, so perfect. “Only one thing’s wrong.”
“What’s that?”
Brushing my hand along the side of her head, my fingers paused at her bun. I smirked. “May I?”
She continued smiling in return, and I pulled a couple of pins out before her luxurious hair fell loose in graceful waves. A blush crept up her cheeks. It was so intimate, in such a public place, it surprised me she’d agreed.
“You’re so much more beautiful in person.” I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her deeply. The kiss grew more urgent as she squeezed the back of my neck, and a guttural noise erupted in my chest. I switched to a hug before my body reacted in ways it shouldn’t in the middle of Arrivals. “I almost forgot how good you taste.”
Her lips brushed my neck as she whispered, “And how good you smell.”
I leaned away from her. “Sofia spoiled my surprise, sì?”
“Your father, actually.”
“When did you see him?”
“I picked upNumber Veeon Saturday for some repairs.”
I arched an eyebrow.
“Long story. Not important. How long have you been planning this?”
Another kiss. “I called my travel agent when I got home from the club. It took some work and a few layovers to get here so close to Christmas, but I couldn’t wait four more months to see you again.”
“And the date night thing?”