Page 24 of Disarming Caine

“I had to be sure you’d be available.” I stroked one lovely cheek and kissed the opposite one. “It’s been too long, bella.”

“Say my name,” she said, biting her lip.

“Samantha,” I breathed out, slowly. Under her jacket, there would be goosebumps.

“God, I love the way you say that. Sa-mahn-tha,” she said, mimicking my Italian accent and brushing my lips with a thumb.

The touch sent another jolt through my body, every fiber begging to have her naked underneath me. Or atop me or next to me or anywhere near me. “We should be going. I need you somewhere private.”

Her eyes widened briefly and she separated to hold up the coat she carried. “Sofia sent me with this. It’s cold out.”

As I shrugged it on, I whispered, “I’d hoped to be removing clothing when I saw you, not putting more on.” I leaned closer, bringing my mouth to her ear, and brushing it lightly with my lips. “Your place is closer than mine.”

She wrapped her arms around me, under my long coat before I could do it up, and her hands trailed down the curve of my ass. She pushed her groin hard against mine and I groaned.

We kissed one more time and I pulled away, picking up my duffel. “Andiamo, bella.”

“What about your bags?”

“I only brought this one. My winter clothes are still here.”

She grabbed my hand and yanked me toward the exit at a near-run.

Intheprivacyofher truck, I turned her face to mine, kissing her again, our tongues reacquainting themselves. She moaned into my mouth and cupped my cheek while I snuck a hand under her jacket, popping one button of her blouse. Just enough space to access a firm breast. She withdrew the hand and moved it to her thigh, hitching her skirt up a few inches.

“Bare legs.” I sank my hand to the inside of her thigh and rode it up to her crotch, to her silky underwear. “You must be cold.”

“I am, but I thought you might like it.”

I rubbed my fingers against her panties, finding her hot and wet.

She sucked in a quick breath. Despite feeling even more ready than I was, she grabbed my forearm and separated me from her. “You know, the more you do that, the longer it’ll take for us to get to my hotel.”

“I’ll sit in the back if needed.” I inclined my head to the back seat with a wink. “Care to join me?”

She laughed, continuing to hold my arm at bay. “Just relax and enjoy the ride.”

“Oh, I intend to, Samantha. All night.” Sì, I needed her flesh against mine.

She squeezed her eyes shut and blew out a long breath before putting the truck into drive.

Once we were on our way, her hands were occupied, so mine took residence on her thigh. She snapped her legs together and swatted me away, but I was persistent.

“Oh, bella, just here?” I pouted, pointing at her mid-thigh. “Per favore?”

She rolled her eyes, which I took as permission.

My hand nestled between her legs, falling into a rhythmic stroke just under the hem of skirt. Her legs were long, lithe, like the rest of her athletic body. Undoubtedly able to snap a man in half. “And I should ask now, in case we need to stop somewhere—”

A small noise rumbled from her chest as my hand climbed a few more inches.

“—I know we agreed when our test results came in—” When I reached her underwear, she tamped down on the accelerator.

She pushed the hand away again, rolling her hips in her seat. “You can’t do that while I’m driving.”

“—but we’re done with the condoms, sì?”

She flicked me a glance from the corner of her eyes, a delicious smile spreading across her lips. “Yeah, just you, me, and my IUD.”