Her brown hair clings to her sweaty forehead, her cheeks a dark shade of red, and her eyes glisten. I bounce my knee in the chair beside her, my stomach churning at the thought of Jaxon not being by her side. I bite down on my fingernail and chew, but I stop instantly.
Ava doesn’t need to know I’m worried.
“He’ll be here any second, I promise,” I say as I smooth back her hair.
I shouldn’t be trying to keep any promises, but I don’t know what else to say. I’ve never been good at comforting others. All I pray is that he’s going to burst through that door any moment.
A nurse dips her head between Ava’s legs and starts talking to the midwife in terms I do not understand. Ava grips my hand, and I glance at her, my bones feeling like they’re about to snap from her strength.
“I need him, Kayleigh,” she rasps as she shakes. “I-I can’t do this without him.”
Her breathing becomes heavier, and she holds my hand impossibly tighter. I stare at the way my fingers start losingblood circulation. I mentally wince but let her carry on because I’m not the one about to pop out a child.
“Let me call Kayden again. Yeah?” I say as I attempt to rip my hand from her death grip. “See where they are.”
Ava’s eyes look lost as I stand up, and eventually, she nods.
I grab my phone and head towards the door to call him in the hallway. As I grip onto the handle, a force behind the door pushes me backwards. I almost fall to the floor, but a hand reaches out to grab my wrist, stabilising me.
Jaxon rushes inside, flicking his eyes to me before they land on Ava in the bed. He moves to her side and leans down to cup her face as she cries. “Hey, baby,” he whispers. “I’m here now. I’m sorry it took so long.”
He wipes away her tears, and a wash of relief covers Ava’s face. It’s soon replaced with a look of agony as she contracts again. She cries out. “It hurts so fuck-ing bad,” she trembles.
Jaxon rests his forehead down onto hers gently. “I know it does, but you’re doing so well. Do you hear me? You can do anything, Ava,” he murmurs as he presses a kiss to her forehead. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
My chest contracts at the sight of them. My eyes sting at how he looks at her and the undeniable love they share. It’s special. It’s raw. Hell, I’m going to start crying before the baby is even born.
I suck in a breath and leave the room. It’s their moment. They’re becoming first-time parents. They’re going to need their privacy. I step into the hallway, and the scent of disinfectant swarms me. I run a hand down my face, and I release a sigh.
A voice behind me makes me jump. I turn to face Kayden, sitting on one of the waiting chairs. He smiles when I look at him, dimples on show in a boyish grin.
“Hey.” I smile back as I slowly walk towards him, sitting in the next vacant chair.
“How’s she doing?”
“Having contractions,” I say. “Think it could be soon. Although I know nothing about pregnancies and giving birth.”
Kayden chuckles. “Me neither.”
“And my hand feels like it’s about to drop off. Ava has a crazy strong grip,” I say as I raise my hand to find the skin red, white, and blotchy.
He studies my hand for a moment before reaching for it, pulling it between his warm palms. “Jesus,” he hisses. “She really went to town on you.”
Then his thumbs begin to knead into my skin, catching me by surprise. A rush of tingles moves down my spine as his brows pinch together, attempting to get my hand to have feeling again. It’s a gesture so sweet and gentle that it makes my heart flutter.
I stay silent and enjoy the feeling of his hands. I watch his every move and how he takes his time, completely unhurried.
“Better?” he asks after a few moments.
My lips part, but I’m too stunned to say anything. Instead, I nod and bask in the gentle caress of his fingers. I slump back into the chair for a moment and smile at the way he doesn’t stop, not until my fingers are back to looking somewhat alive.
“I didn’t think you guys were going to make it on time,” I blurt as Kayden stops massaging my hands but doesn’t remove his fingers from mine.
I stare down at the way they’re laced together, sitting against the armrest of the waiting chairs. Kayden laughs softly. “Like I wasn’t going to get him here on time. I wouldn’t let him drive. He would have probably driven off-road and damaged his car severely.”