“Ambulance said they would be here any second,” she says, trying to calm her but it’s no use.
“Th-at’s not s-soon enough,” she whimpers.
I stroke back her hair clinging to her forehead. “It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.”
She turns to me with tears stinging her eyes. “G-get Jax,” she murmurs. “Please. I need him.”
“Okay.” I nod and tug my phone from my pocket.
“Ambulance is here,” the woman says as I look up to find two paramedics running towards us.
“Get Jax,” she whimpers again. “He isn’t responding to me. Please.”
My brows furrow at her words, but before I have time to question her, the paramedics approach us and start talking to Ava. I move out of the way and stare down at my phone, flicking to find Kayden’s number.
My hands shake vigorously as I hold it to my ear, listening as the phone rings and rings. I step away from her and the paramedics before I start getting impatient. I lift my thumb to my mouth and begin to bite my nail.
“Fuck’s sake,” I curse. “Pick up, you idiot–”
“Kayleigh,” his voice is low and lazy. “Miss me already? I knew yo–”
“Shut up!”
He goes quiet instantly.
“It’s Ava, her water just broke. They’re taking her to the hospital. You need to tell Jaxon.” I sputter.
Kayden exhales a long breath. “Oh, shit. What hospital?”
“The closest one to the shopping centre, I guess.”
“Alright, we’re on our way.” Then the call is disconnected.
Ava is wheeled away to the car park where the ambulance is waiting. I climb into the back with her as they drive away. I find her terrified eyes, and I know exactly what she’s worried about—giving birth without Jaxon.
I latch onto her hand as she grips onto me so tightly that I think my fingers might fall off. Her strength is shocking. But it’s okay because she is going to be in a lot more pain than I am.
Tears stain her cheeks. “I’m so scared, Kayleigh,” she breathes heavily.
I try not to frown at her words and be strong for her. “You’ve got this, Ava. Jaxon is on the way to the hospital now. Okay? They were leaving before we even left the shopping centre.”
She nods at me but chokes out a sob at the same time.
“You’ve got this,” I remind her, forcing a confident smile. “You are strong, and you can do this.”
Ava shakes her head aggressively. “I need him here. I can’t do this alone,” she cries, her distress taking over. “We had it all planned out. This isn’t how it was meant to go.”
“You can do it.” I bring her hand up to my lips and kiss the skin softly. “He will be right there with you once we get to the hospital, okay? I promise you.”
I don’t know if I can keep that promise, but seeing her like this is shattering me to pieces. I know Jaxon will do everything in his power to ensure he is there for her.
Her worried eyes flick between mine before she sniffles. “Thank you for being here.”
“Where. Is. Jax?” Ava screams from beside me.