“Let’s go,” I whisper to Kayden as we stand from the bench.

Kayden nods and finally looks at me. I quickly pull some money out of my bag and place it on the table so I can get out of there as soon as possible.

“What was that guy's problem?” he finally asks when we begin to walk in the opposite direction.

My legs are shivering, but I pretend nothing is wrong.

I release a shaky breath and shrug. “No idea,” I lie.

Kayden grabs my shoulder before I can walk any further. “You know him?”

“Nope,” I say a little too quickly. “No idea who he is.”

He watches me for a long moment, but I look everywhere but at his face. “Weird,” he comments, his voice dipping as if he doesn’t believe me. “Because it seems like he knows you.”

“Jessica is an old friend,” I blurt. “Those are her friends.”

Kayden’s eyes narrow as if he’s trying to grasp the situation. “Right, but–”

“Want to go get some ice cream?” I ask, desperately trying to change the subject. “I could do with something sweet.”


“Please just leave it,” I murmur. “It’s fine. I promise.”

Kayden’s brown eyes move between mine with uncertainty. “Why won’t you talk to me?”

“Because there’s nothing to say.”

Why does he always have to pick up on the tiny things? It’s like he can read me like a damn book, and I have nowhere to hide.

I thought I was good at hiding my real feelings. I’ve had time to perfect it.

A deep sigh falls from his lips. “Alright. Fine. I’ll take the ice cream over five pounds.”

“Good,” I say as we walk towards the ice cream van that remains on campus all summer. “What flavour?”

“Mint chocolate chip, obviously.”

“The only correct answer,” I laugh and take a few breaths, settling into Kayden’s comfortability.

I’d choose this over them every single time.

Kayden nudges my arm with his. “Wow, something we can actually agree on.”

“Who would have thought? The stars have aligned,” I joke.

“Now we’re talking,” he says, adjusting the sleeve on my shoulder. “Romeo and Juliet vibes.”

The simple touch of his skin makes me hold my breath for a moment. His fingers leave a trail of lava down my arm, and I look at the action.

“They both killed themselves,” I deadpan.

Kayden startles. “They did?”

“Yeah.” I chuckle.

“Ah, we can create our own ending then.”