I press a hand to his shoulder. “Mate, you need a reality check.”
Kayden’s expression falters for a moment, and I frown. I tilt my head at him as he shakes it off and flashes me another one of his heartwarming smiles. “Nah. My reality is perfect right now, thank you very much.”
“Order your ice cream,” I say, fighting a smile.
“Was last-minute shopping a good idea when you’re literally ready to pop?” I laugh hesitantly as I watch Ava clutch her belly as we walk around the shopping centre.
She waves a hand at me. “Jax was driving me crazy. I needed to get out of the house.”
“Define crazy…”
“Unbearably protective,” she mumbles.
I narrow my eyes at her. “You are carrying a baby.”
“I know, but still. I need some breathing space. He barely let me come out today. I had to give him your number in case,” she huffs.
“He loves you, Ava. Of course, he’s going to care and worry about you.”
“I know, Kayleigh.” She turns to me with a small smile. “I’m so excited to meet her, but I’m also very aware that things are going to change forever.”
I reach down to take her hand and give it a soft squeeze. “Yeah, your life will change forever, but it will be the best thing ever. A little baby that’s half you, half Jaxon. That’s so special.”
Ava beams at this. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m just nervous.”
“I’m sure all first-time mothers are nervous. It’s okay. You have the best support system around you possible,” I grin. “And I’m going to be the best fake auntie ever.”
She chuckles gently. “No doubt you’ll be getting her up to no good.”
I wink at her. “Always. When she’s older, of course.”
“Oh, goodness,” she murmurs. “It’s going to be chaos.”
“What did you need to get?”
“Nothing, really. I have everything I need. But I wanted to have a look at some extra bits,” she says as we enter a shop, and she touches a tiny yellow pinafore. “There is only so much TV I can watch before my eyes literally turn square.”
“I like that one.” I gesture towards the clothes between her fingers. “Perfect for summer.”
Ava nudges me. “Great minds think alike.”
“When’s your due date?”
“Two weeks today.”
My eyes widen a fraction. “And you’re sure you’re okay to be out?”
“I’m pregnant, Kay. Not bedridden. I’m fine.”
I nod as we explore the shop for the cutest baby clothes. Ava grabs a couple of bits that she says she didn’t even need but couldn’t leave without them. When we leave, she places a hand on her hip.
“Is it okay if we go sit down?” Ava asks. “I’m getting a bit exhausted.”
“Of course,” I say.