Page 33 of Snowy Secrets

River descends and covers my bare folds with his mouth, sucking my clit until I cry out before exploring every inch of me with his tongue and lips and teeth, all of it teasing me into afrenzy that has me writhing under him. He was always a fan of this move.

"River." Exasperated and horny, I dig my hand into his hair to urge him on to the first course.

After a few more teasing seconds, he sets to work, and I moan low. Pleasure spikes with each swipe of his tongue, and I swear his fingers tighten on my thighs at the same rate my core tightens around his tongue.

I'm melting in the middle. Shaking. He doubles down when I pant his name. A fluttering mess, I come against his moaning mouth. There's no way to tell if I'm wet from his mouth or my pleasure as he kisses along my thighs.

Then his warmth is gone, and I'm flashed back to a cold I've felt since he left. Since he told me not to wait for him.

But he's crawling back on top of me a second later, his pants disposed of, and I yank him down to me with all the aggression and hurt I've built up for years. Time to make up for it, River. At least for tonight.

Hovering above me, River smooths the hair from my forehead and peers down at me for a few long, penetrating seconds. What does he see when he looks at me now? Not the same, foolhardy and in-love girl I'd been.

Whatever he sees, he seems to like it, because he dips down to kiss me softly and whisper, "Beautiful girl," against my mouth.

I don't know why it sends a pang through me, but I wrap myself around him to pull him closer.

He hums against my throat as he drops his hips into mine, sliding his hard shaft across my wet folds. Every stroke reminds me of how badly I want him inside me, and I whine in his ear. "Don't tease me."

We shift at the same time, and he slides into me, all heat and pressure—pleasure. I gasp against his mouth, and he grins. Eyes closing, his forehead dips to mine.

"I'm still sleeping because this is a dream. There's no way you're under me again, and it feels so much better than I remember." River swivels his hips, and the resounding pang in my core has me wondering the same thing. Did it feel like this back then?

I bear down around him. I can't help it.

River swears, his voice hoarse with concentration. He thrusts slowly, rolling against so many sensitive spots.

My hand sinks into his hair as I curl up, watching him stretch me open, tracing his flexing muscles, cataloging every little scar. He's entirely new terrain with a few well-worn paths. We fit together at the wear marks.

I dip a finger over one long, puckered scar. It's one among many. So many.

His movements pause, and he's looking at where my touch landed. River suppresses a shudder and nuzzles my neck.

"What's this one from?" I shouldn't be asking, but I need to know if he'll tell me. I need to know just how much this really means to him.

He delivers a short nip to my shoulder and blows out a breath. "Shrapnel from a bomb. Afghanistan. Fourth deployment."

I caress it, trailing up the web of scars that spread up his chest and shoulder. I press a kiss to one before turning my face toward his. "I didn't say stop."

River’s laugh is like a balm to my heart, but his moan when I move myself over him is a flame to my desires. He springs back into action with a bit more gusto this time, and I can hardly smother my own cry. This River is also stronger than the one I was with eight years ago. The power of his thrusts takes my breath away.

A smile presses against my mouth, and I suck in a laugh before I'm lost on the razor's edge of bliss. But even like this, heplays with my pleasure, keeping me there like he could all night. Which, Christ, at this point, he might.

I cant my hips forward, and we slam together noisily. It pulls me back from the edge a little so that I can play in return. Who can make the other come first? It's not a game I will win, but I do love to try.

The way his hands grip my shoulders means I've made an advancing move. It backfires as he increases force, making his own adjustments that send a wave of fluttering through me. He grunts above me from the effort, his skin growing slick, but I can barely hold on.

"About to give in?" he grumbles in my ear.

"Yes." The word echoes under my breath until I shatter.

His thrusts stop, but he rocks into me. That fraction of an inch in movement is still too much. I can't stay still beneath him, writhing and coming and shaking from the force of it all mixing together.

The sharpness dulls enough for me to relax, murmuring when he shifts and presses his groin to my clit to yank a small, weak moan from me.

"Okay?" River asks, pulling back enough to check for my confirmation.

I nod, lifting a hand to brush my thumb over his bottom lip. His skin is rougher than before, even with the recent shave. For a second, it feels like the past has been placed over the present, and I swear we're never going to truly be two people again.