“You hate hotels.”
“I wouldn’t if that’s what all the rooms were like.”
“Glad you approve. I don’t know what our living situation might be once Lana’s part of our pack, so try not to get too used to it.”
“Lana’s living on this floor. I doubt that a move across the corridor will be much of a big deal. It’s a no brainer. I mean, the couch in there is made for a pack. The bed, not so much, but I’m sure we can find a work around.”
“Lana has her own place outside of the academy, Shadow.”
Though it’s kind of amusing that he thinks it would be an ideal place to live.
“Well, if I was in charge of this place, I’d sell my house and move into one of those sweet luxury apartments.” He shrugs as he heads for the staircase.
I follow him down, ready to get back to my rounds.
Shadow will be fine, helping Pete look after Lana while I work.
“So, do we have to wait for Owen to get here to tell Lana she’s our mate?”
“It makes more sense to wait for him now that he’s on his way.”
He sighs. “Damn. Fine. I’ll make sure Pete doesn’t cross that line, I guess.”
“Pete knows the pecking order,” I remind him. “Just try not to mention mates.”
“I would never,” he says, acting like he’s offended.
Shaking my head at him, I don’t stay another word.
Shadow never does these things intentionally, but his impulsive streak can get the best of him.
If I talk about it too much, he’ll be more likely to focus on it if that streak rears up.
“You can make sure Pete and Lana don’t skip lunch.”
Giving him a specific task is usually the best way to occupy him, and I know Lana has been getting into some unhealthy habits. Skipping meals and working too much being the main culprits. Pete isn’t all that great at looking after himself, either.
Shadow thought I’d skip lunch, but I would have grabbed something.
Neither of those two would if they weren’t prompted.
“Ooh. That way I get two lunches. Nice thinking.”
Trust Shadow to make the most out of a simple task.
We get to the bottom of the staircase, and he skips ahead to the doors that lead out to reception. I walk quickly to catch him back up and to hold the door open for him.
He leans in and kisses my cheek. “I think I can make it across the hallway unescorted.”
I nod slowly as he steps out into the reception area, and he smiles as he turns away, heading toward Lana’s office. I watch until he steps into the office and closes the door, letting out a breath once I know he’s with Pete and Lana.
It’s tempting to want to be with them.
Having an unclaimed mate is a feeling I’m not used to.
The desire to be around Lana has been strong since the day we met.
If my work here hadn’t been quite so consuming, something might have happened between us before now. I didn’t know how to bring my mates out here, but Shadow’s right, I could have told them, and the chances are they would have come to us sooner.