I get to mine and throw on my scrubs while I consider the problem.
Coming to work with me isn’t an option.
Neither is waiting around for Owen.
He looks back at me. “What is it? You’ve got your worried face on.”
“I was just thinking,” I admit. “You should help Pete this afternoon. Spend some time with Lana.”
“Oh,” he murmurs, nodding slowly. “I was thinking I should probably wait around for Owen, and make sure he stays when he gets here, but I guess that won’t be until later, so helping Pete sounds like a better idea.”
I sit back down to put on my sneakers.
“I’ll walk you down to Lana’s office before I start my shift.”
“I remember where it is.”
“I’m walking you down there, no arguments.” I stand up and shake out my lab coat before I slip it on over my medical scrubs.
He smiles. “I forgot how bossy you can be.”
“Don’t tell me Owen isn’t …”
“Oh, don’t worry. He’s like a prison guard. He’s probably still wondering how the hell I got out of the house this morning without waking him.”
“I’d like to know how you did that, too.”
He laughs. He’s never going to tell.
“Let me get my sneakers. I think I left them in the bedroom.”
He moves past me, and I realize he probably should have showered.
His perfume is intoxicatingly strong right now.
I bite my tongue, because Pete will look after him and it won’t hurt to have Lana feel a strong attraction to our Omega.
He comes back into the room fully clothed.
“What?” he asks, slowing to a stop by the side of the table. “Oh, come on. It doesn’t really matter how I snuck out now, does it? We’ll be moving out of that place soon enough, so our old house isn’t going to be my prison for much longer anyway.”
He has a point, and since it wasn’t what I was worried about, I give him a smile.
“Just don’t call our home a prison, okay? It’s not, and I don’t want Lana thinking we keep you chained up or something.”
“Ooh.” Shadow smirks. “New kink unlocked.”
I let out a soft sigh as I move toward the door.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let Lana get the wrong idea about us,” he assures me.
Stepping out of the suite, I take my keys out of my pocket.
Shadow follows me out and closes the door. “You know, I kind of like it here.”
“Here, here? The academy?” I ask as I lock the suite.
“I mean, it’s kind of weird that it’s an Omega academy with a hospital ward, but your room is like the penthouse suite of a luxury hotel.”