“I cannot tell you that, because it is not my place to say. Iolaire is its own. It makes the decisions,” Valerius finally got out. His voice taut with emotion.

Tezcacoatl nodded after long moments. “By the gods, Valerius, it must be serious! You are respecting Iolaire’s autonomy. So what would you say for yourself though. Should I back down?”

Valerius’ head lifted. His eyes burned with fire. “If I were in your place, I would most definitely back down.”


So how mad are you on a scale of one to ten?Caden’s voice came clearly over their bond. The worry in it almost made Valerius assure him that all was well.Almost.

Eleven,Valerius answered.Wait, no, fifteen.

Fifteen?! Why fifteen?!Caden cried as Iolaire’s eyes went as round as saucers.This is not a fifteen situation!

And how do you come to that exactly?

No, I asked first! You have to tell me why--why you’re so mad. Exactly, and then consider… uhm, consider not being mad,Caden said.

Another desire to soothe Caden nearly overcame him at those plaintive words. But Caden had to understand how this ill-thought-out desire to go to the park and play with the children was when there were Dragon Shifters other than them in the city.

Ah let us start then.Valerius’ left eyebrow rose.Humans First. Your sister trash-talking them. Then Tezcacoatl--

That was not my fault! Nor was the Tilly thing! She has a mind of her own! And really the Humans First pitchfork wielding mob was not my fault either!Caden sounded indignant as if these arguments were very valid.And Tezcacoatl? He seems pretty unstoppable unless you’re Raziel so… not my fault. None of it is my fault.

If you had gone home like I instructed and you agreed to NONE of this would have happened, Valerius reminded him, demolishing these ridiculous statements.

I… Well, it was just… Tilly wanted a ride and I thought… How much harm could it possibly do?Caden wailed.Things just got out of hand! But I have to be able to go places without you!

Valerius pinched the top of his nose.I know this, Caden, but your adventures need to be kept to a minimum while the other Dragon Shifters are here. Dealing with Humans First is one thing, but the Dragon Shifters…His eyes slid to Tezcacoatl who was looking between them with avid interest just as Esme had. They were silent for too long.Are too curious for their own good.

Actually, I sort of like Tezcacoatl. He seems nice,Caden said. Iolaire looked almost shyly at the Gold Dragon Shifter. Not sure of him, but not rejecting him.

You like him?!Valerius had not meant to sound so outraged. Or rather jealous.

Suddenly, a Dragon nose was pressed against Valerius’ naked chest.I like you best! You know that, right? I’m just saying the others aren’t all bad. Esme is cool. Tezcacoatl is funny. Illarion… Well, forget Illarion. But they’re nothing compared to you. I swear it, Valerius.

More nosing. Cold gushes of air against his skin, blowing his hair back, frosting him. And yet, Valerius wassmiling. He couldn’t help himself. Anger flowed away like water. The warmth that bloomed in his chest so suddenly was a little frightening. He swallowed, and used his powerful will to hide it from Caden. This was too soon. Too much. The young man would flee from it and Valerius wouldn’t blame him. Instead, he scratched Iolaire under the chin and between the ears. Tezcacoatl made a delighted sound and came nearer, hand outstretched.

“So cute!” Tezcacoatl laughed. “Oh, Iolaire is--”

Valerius caught his wrist in a none too gentle grip before he could reach the white scales. Iolaire reared a little back, looking at Tezcacoatl out of narrowed eyes. Its back was arched with alarm.

“What? What? Can I not pet Iolaire too? I am a very good petter, I assure you,” Tezcacoatl stated with true earnestness.

That caused Iolaire to look at Tezcacoatl with more curiosity than alarm. Petting was evidently Iolaire’s kryptonite.

“You do not get to pet anyone,” Valerius growled.

“Ah, you are doing thatthingagain. It is so strange to see you act this way about apersonand notterritory--”

“Tez!” Valerius barked.

“What about if Iolaire gives me permission?” Tezcacoatl wheedled, raising and lowering his eyebrows.

“Iolaire hasn’t!” Tilly, who had been quiet, piped up. She looked down on them from up high.

Valerius repressed a smile. She looked like a queen on her white throne. Her White Dragon throne.

We should not be encouraging Dragon riding,Raziel growled.